breast dataset

Survival after breast cancer surgery

Survival after breast cancer surgery

Data about patient survival after their breast cancer surgery procedure performed at one of the 15 units participating in a cancer treatment study. The data is based on a trial performed at the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). data


A data.frame with 2663 rows and 11 variables:

  • entrytime: Chronological time of entry of patient into study/time of surgery (numeric)
  • survtime: Time from entry until failure of patient (numeric)
  • censorid: Censoring indicator (0 - right censored, 1 - observed) (integer)
  • unit: Unit number at which patient received treatment (integer)
  • var1-7: Covariates associated with patient (factor)


Based on trial data from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer,



#Determine the estimated arrival rate for all units in the data arrival_rate(breast) #Plot Quality Control charts for unit 11 in the study library(survival) phmodbreast <- coxph(Surv(survtime, censorid) ~ . - entrytime - unit , data = breast) glmmodbreast <- glm((survtime <= 36) & (censorid == 1) ~ . - entrytime - unit, data = breast, family = binomial(link = "logit")) par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) p1 <- plot(cgr_cusum(data = subset(breast, unit == 11), coxphmod = phmodbreast)) + ggtitle("CGR-CUSUM") p2 <- plot(bk_cusum(data = subset(breast, unit == 11), coxphmod = phmodbreast, theta = log(2))) + ggtitle("BK-CUSUM") p3 <- plot(bernoulli_cusum(data = subset(breast, unit == 11), followup = 36, glmmod = glmmodbreast, theta = log(2))) + ggtitle("Bernoulli CUSUM") p4 <- plot(funnel_plot(data = breast, glmmod = glmmodbreast, followup = 36 )) + ggtitle("Funnel plot") if(require("gridExtra")){ grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 2) }
  • Maintainer: Daniel Gomon
  • License: GPL (>= 3)
  • Last published: 2024-06-19

About the dataset

  • Number of rows: 2663
  • Number of columns: 11
  • Class: data.frame

Column names and types (First 10)

  • entrytime:numeric
  • survtime:numeric
  • censorid:numeric
  • unit:factor
  • var1:factor
  • var2:factor
  • var3:factor
  • var4:factor
  • var5:factor
  • var6:factor