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The LIC for T Distribution Regression Analysis
Visualize the Climate Scenario Alignment of a Financial Portfolio
Risk-Based Control Charts
Comprehensive Single-Cell Annotation and Transcriptomic Analysis Toolk...
Convenient Data Exchange with Microsoft Excel
Rapid and Accurate Genetic Prediction Modeling for Genome-Wide Associa...
Functions for Extracting and Merging Data in the 'teal' Framework
Chat-Based Interactive Artificial Intelligence for R
QTL Mapping for Multi Parent Populations
Import, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares' Simulation
Automated Tuning and Evaluations of Ecological Niche Models
Resolving Plant Taxon Names Using the Australian Plant Census
Tools for Parsing, Manipulating, and Graphing Taxonomic Abundance Data
Cubature over Polygonal Domains
Stubbing and Setting Expectations on 'HTTP' Requests
Invariance Partial Pruning Test
The Symmetric Group: Permutations of a Finite Set
Estimating Means, Standard Deviations and Visualising Distributions us...
Quadratic Vector Autoregression
Fast AUC Computation
Interface for Large Language Model APIs in R
Datasets to Accompany Wolfe and Schneider - Intuitive Introductory Sta...
Inline Asynchronous Generator Results into Documents
Bayesian Longitudinal Regularized Quantile Mixed Model
Various Utilities for Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics
Echo State Networks for Time Series Modeling and Forecasting
Fast Algorithm for Support Vector Machine
A Collection of ML Tools for Conservation Research
Combination Matrix Axis for 'ggplot2' to Create 'UpSet' Plots
Regularization Paths for SCAD and MCP Penalized Regression Models
Feel at Home using R, Thanks to Shortcuts Functions Making it Simple
Teaching Hydrological Modelling with the GR Rainfall-Runoff Models ('S...
'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' Data
Utilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API
Calculating Optimal and D-Augmented Designs
'ForLion' Algorithm to Find D-Optimal Designs for Experiments
Tools for Outbreak Investigation/Infectious Disease Surveillance
Plots for Visualizing the Data Produced by the 'irace' Package
Access Finnish Geospatial Data
Extract Metadata from 'NetCDF' Files as Data Frames
Utilities for Nephrology
Reading and Writing Open Data Format Files
Calculate Alkire-Foster Multidimensional Poverty Measures
Parse 'LaTeX' Code
Model Wrappers for Tree-Based Models
Distribution of Gaussian Ratios
Forensic Pedigree Analysis and Relatedness Inference
Group Sequential Design