Fast Approximation of Time-Varying Infectious Disease Transmission Rates
Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution
Defunct Functions in Package fastbeta
Deprecated Functions in Package fastbeta
Not Yet Implemented Functions in Package fastbeta
Package fastbeta
Parametric Bootstrapping
Calculate Coefficient Matrix for Iteration Step
Estimate a Time-Varying Infectious Disease Transmission Rate
Peak to Peak Iteration
Auxiliary Functions for the SEIR Model without Forcing
Solve the Canonical SEIR Equations
Often Used Simulations
Simulate Infectious Disease Time Series
A fast method for approximating time-varying infectious disease transmission rates from disease incidence time series and other data, based on a discrete time approximation of an SEIR model, as analyzed in Jagan et al. (2020) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008124>.