Find sample data sets available in R packages
Positive Words
True network edges
Estevan road network from OpenStreetMap (SpatialLinesDataFrame)
Example of longitudinal data for sequential trial emulation containing...
Breast Cancer microarray experiment
Datasets of country and region names.
Chaetocnema flea beetles
Reproducibility between U133 plus 2 and Exon microarrays
Cropland grid of Northen Italy (20km x 20km squares)
Popularity of Flickr, in User-Days
Simulated example for occupancy model
Data scientists, data analyst, and statistician job advertisements fro...
Arsenic, Mercury and Strontium Concentrations in Table 9-3 of 2009 USE...
Example Data Set
Dataset of elderly patients with a hip fracture
Sample Data for Small Area Estimation using Hierarchical Bayesian Meth...
Data frame of DBP coefficients for predicting DBP formation
Cursive handwriting samples
Simulated recovery data, with no background mortality
American Adults on Regulation and Renewable Energy
Measurements of chip wafers
Methylation data for Arabidopsis thaliana
Trump Might Be The First President To Scrap A National Monument
Example Additive Surface
Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy
R Data set: ex13.34
Simulations of the parameters of a simple linear regression with fake ...
A List of Human Multi-subunit Proteins
Masses, isotope patterns and nucleon numbers of the elements
Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (4 Months)
RevBayes Primates birth-death model
Example data from simdata
Design from the Vdgraph package
Vietnam health care use (household level)
Sceloporus fossil data
Biogas Volume from Batch Reactors
The Iris Data with Missing Values
Births and deaths data
Return Rates for "Lost" Letters
NCCTG Lung Cancer Data
disputed Bayesian Networks
Simulated t-distributions to show use of q-q boxplots
Example item parameters 2PL (Bilog)
Water level of the River Nile
Effects of seed inoculum, irrigation and shade on alfalfa yield
Alzheimer's disease data