Lubischew data (1962, pp. 465--468, tables 4--6): 74 Chaetocnema flea beetles specimens which belong to three cryptic species.
Sources of specimens:
Chaetocnema concinna Marsh:
1-6 Environs of Uljianovsk; 7 Khvalynsk, the Volga; 8-9 Perm; 10-14 Environs of Leningrad; 15-17 The Ukraine; 18 Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan; 19-21 France.
Ch. heikertintgeri Lubis.:
1-8 Environs of Uljianovsk; 9 Khvalynsk; 10-14 Perm; 15-17 Environs of Leningrad; 18-20 The Ukraine; 21 Ustj-Zilma; 22 Gagra, Abkhazia; 23-27 Ussuri district; 28-29 Yakutsk district; 30 Khabarovsk; 31 Germany.
Ch. heptapotamnica Lubis.:
1-18 Environs of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kirghizia; 19 Alma-ata, Kazachstan; 20-22 Environs of Frunze, Kirghizia.
These data frame contains the following columns:
Species: Species epithet
No: Number of sample (see below)
x10: Width of the first joint of the first tarsus (the sum of measurements for both tarsi), in microns
x12: The same for the second joint
x14: The maximal width of the aedeagus in the fore-part, in microns
x18: The front angle of the aedeagus, 1 unit = 7.5 degrees
x40: The maximal width of the head between the external edges of the eyes, in 0.01 mm
x48: The aedeagus width from the side, in microns
Lubischew A.A. 1962. On the use of discriminant functions in taxonomy. Biometrics. 18:455--477.