This data frame consists of taxa (rows) by samples (columns). Taxa are separated into six distributions (D1 - 6) with 10 'species' per distribution. Samples are separated into four 'environments' (R1 - 4) with 10 samples per environment.
A data frame with 60 observations on the following 41 variables.
Taxon: a factor with levels D1S1D1S10D1S2D1S3D1S4D1S5D1S6D1S7D1S8D1S9D2S1D2S10D2S2D2S3D2S4D2S5D2S6D2S7D2S8D2S9D3S1D3S10D3S2D3S3D3S4D3S5D3S6D3S7D3S8D3S9D4S1D4S10D4S2D4S3D4S4D4S5D4S6D4S7D4S8D4S9D5S1D5S10D5S2D5S3D5S4D5S5D5S6D5S7D5S8D5S9D6S1D6S10D6S2D6S3D6S4D6S5D6S6D6S7D6S8D6S9
R1S1: a numeric vector
R1S2: a numeric vector
R1S3: a numeric vector
R1S4: a numeric vector
R1S5: a numeric vector
R1S6: a numeric vector
R1S7: a numeric vector
R1S8: a numeric vector
R1S9: a numeric vector
R1S10: a numeric vector
R2S1: a numeric vector
R2S2: a numeric vector
R2S3: a numeric vector
R2S4: a numeric vector
R2S5: a numeric vector
R2S6: a numeric vector
R2S7: a numeric vector
R2S8: a numeric vector
R2S9: a numeric vector
R2S10: a numeric vector
R3S1: a numeric vector
R3S2: a numeric vector
R3S3: a numeric vector
R3S4: a numeric vector
R3S5: a numeric vector
R3S6: a numeric vector
R3S7: a numeric vector
R3S8: a numeric vector
R3S9: a numeric vector
R3S10: a numeric vector
R4S1: a numeric vector
R4S2: a numeric vector
R4S3: a numeric vector
R4S4: a numeric vector
R4S5: a numeric vector
R4S6: a numeric vector
R4S7: a numeric vector
R4S8: a numeric vector
R4S9: a numeric vector
R4S10: a numeric vector
An object of class "data.frame" of 60 rows x 40 columns, representing taxa and samples, respectively.
Generated in silico to compare taxa of known distributions: D1 are generalists roughly in equal abundance across the four environments. D2 decrease linearly across the four environments. D3 are specialists that decrease exponentially across the four environments. D4 are specialists unique to one of the four environments. D5 are specialists in environments two and four, with no relationship with an environmental gradient supplied in the vignette. Finally, D6 represent low, spurious counts haphazardly distributed across all samples often present in microbial count tables.