Find sample data sets available in R packages
Tumour volume data over time for in-vivo studies
Classification of Foods
US Counties map in Geojson format (list)
Data set from Berry et al. (2019)
Sensory, rheological, chemical and spectroscopic analysis of potatoes.
co2 data since the beginning of the Cenozoic
teachers data
Rating Data from 4 Raters and 15 human Subjects, 9 of whom are female ...
Simulated data with cause death information in long term follow-up set...
Driving offences in New Zealand
Table with Trade results samples
long term/short term unemployment
Pediatric T-ALL Clinical Data from COG trial AALL0434
Example single dose Theophylline ODE model
Data Set with 521 Microorganisms In Species Groups
A simulated dataset with longitudinal and survival data
BMI of Dutch Boys
Usage du tabac et etat de sante (donnees simulees)
Raw genotyping data
organdata data
Twitter training set
Nitrogen Input Data for RothC using multiple sites with spinup run
source128 example vector
Twig Species Database
Scussolini et al. (2013) Table 1
Embryogenic anthers data from table 7.2
Whickham Health Study
Example dataset
US States Production
HFAII Rook Adjacency Matrix
Coordinate Reference System
flags dataset
Simplified Inventory data of an eucalyptus forest in Brazil
Systematic Analysis of Bivariate Missing Data Problems
Fatty Acid
Experimental data on nitrogen effect in species fertilizing
Data 16.4 from Maxwell & Delaney
WASH Benefits Bangladesh Dataset
The electricity actual total load in Great Britain in year 2018
greencredit Bayesian Network
Column structure of MLB Stats Live Game API data frame
Annual bituminous coal production
Sample of College Scorecard - Two Year
Simulated data from a backcross population
Italian Election Results
Example dataset for digit preference