Price et al. (1985) presented data from a study on the developmental toxicity, ethylene glycol (EG),in mice. Responses are the malformation (binary response) and fetal weight (continuous response) outcomes for the experiment, which shows clear dose-related trends with respect to both outcomes.
A data frame with 1028 observations on the following 5 variables.
litter: litter number for 94 mice
dose: dose input
y1: fetal weight (g)
y2: malformation (0; No, 1; Yes)
dose2: dose*dose
Price, C.J., Kimmel, C.A., Tyl, R.W. and Marr. M.C. (1985). The developmental toxicity of ethylene glycol in rats and mice. Toxicolal Applied Pharmacology, 81, 113---127.