Data frame of DBP coefficients for predicting DBP formation
A dataset containing coefficients for calculating DBP formation
A dataframe with 30 rows and 10 columns
- ID: abbreviation of dbp species
- alias: full name of dbp species
- water_type: specifies which model the constants apply to, either treated or untreated water
- A: First coefficient in DBP model
- a: Second coefficient in DBP model, associated with TOC or DOC
- b: Third coefficient in DBP model, associated with Cl2
- c: Fourth coefficient in DBP model, associated with Br-
- d: Fifth coefficient in DBP model, associated with temperature
- e: Sixth coefficient in DBP model, associated with pH
- f: Seventh coefficient in DBP model, associated with reaction time
U.S. EPA (2001)
See references list at: