Phylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative Studies
Ontogenetic shape vectors analysis
Draw colorbar on a plot
Mapping morphological convergence on 3D surfaces
Cut the phylogeny at a given age or node
Finding distance between nodes and tips
Phylogenetic vector analysis of phenotypic change
Resolving polytomies to non-zero length branches
Taxonomic inspection of the tree at the genus level
Upward tip or node to root path
Get sister clade
Lollipop charts
Make fossil species on a phylogeny
Matrix of branch lengths along root-to-tip paths
Matrix of branch lengths along a root-to-node path
Move tips or clades
Checking species names for misspelling and synonyms
Tracing nodes along paths
Testing RRphylo methods overfit
Phylogenetic Generalized Least Square with phylogenies including fossi...
Test for phylogenetic clustering
Graphical representation of search.conv results
Plot RRphylo rates at a specified node
Plot the RRphylo output onto the phylogenetic tree
Graphical representation of search.shift results
Graphical representation of search.trend results
Randomization test for phylogenetic structuring in evolvability
Mapping rate and direction of phenotypic change on 3D surfaces.
Rescaling phylogenetic trees
Extracting a user-specified subset of the evo.dir results
Defunct functions in Package RRphylo
Deprecated functions in Package RRphylo
Phylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative Studies
Evolutionary rates computation along phylogenies
Phylogenetic tree calibration
Searching for morphological convergence among species and clades
Locating shifts in phenotypic evolutionary rates
Searching for evolutionary trends in phenotypes and rates
Producing simulated phenotypes with trends
Brownian Motion rate computation
Find a node subtending to a clade of desired size
Run StableTraits from within R
Create alternative phylogenies from a given tree
Get descending tips
Fast addition of tips and clades on an existing tree
Visualize the difference between phylogenetic trees
Cross-reference tree and data
Functions for phylogenetic analysis (Castiglione et al., 2018 <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12954>). The functions perform the estimation of phenotypic evolutionary rates, identification of phenotypic evolutionary rate shifts, quantification of direction and size of evolutionary change in multivariate traits, the computation of ontogenetic shape vectors and test for morphological convergence.