Regular Expression Removal, Extraction, and Replacement Tools
Boundary Wrap (Bind) and or
Concatenate Elements
Add Left/Right Character(s) Boundaries
Combines a extracted Object
Upper/Lower/Title Case
A Cheat Sheet of Common Regex Task Chunks
Escape Strings From Parsing
Visualize Regular Expressions
Grab Regular Expressions from Dictionaries
Group Wrap and or
Concatenate Elements
Group Regular Expressions
Test Regular Expression Validity
Paste Regular Expressions
Prints a explain object
Prints a extracted Object
Prints a regexr Object
qdapRegex: Regular Expression Removal, Extraction, & Replacement Tools...
Remove/Replace/Extract Function Generator
Remove/Replace/Extract Abbreviations
Remove/Replace/Extract Strings Between 2 Markers
Remove/Replace/Extract Brackets
Remove/Replace/Extract All Caps Phrases
Remove/Replace/Extract All Caps
Remove/Replace/Extract LaTeX Citations
Remove/Replace/Extract Citations
Remove/Replace/Extract City, State, & Zip
Remove/Replace/Extract City & State
Remove/Replace/Extract Dates
Remove/Replace/Extract Template
Remove/Replace/Extract Dollars
Remove/Replace/Extract Email Addresses
Remove/Replace/Extract Emoticons
Remove/Replace/Extract Endmarks
Remove/Replace/Extract Hash Tags
Remove/Replace/Extract N Letter Words
Remove/Replace/Extract Non-ASCII
Remove/Replace/Extract Non-Words
Remove/Replace/Extract Numbers
Remove/Replace/Extract Percentages
Remove/Replace/Extract Phone Numbers
Remove/Replace/Extract Postal Codes
Remove/Replace/Extract Words With Repeating Characters
Remove/Replace/Extract Repeating Phrases
Remove/Replace/Extract Repeating Words
Remove/Replace/Extract Person Tags
Remove/Replace/Extract Time
Remove/Replace/Extract Title + Person Name
Remove/Replace/Extract URLs
Remove/Replace/Extract White Space
Remove/Replace/Extract Zip Codes
Use C-style String Formatting Commands
Regex Validation Function Generator
A collection of regular expression tools associated with the 'qdap' package that may be useful outside of the context of discourse analysis. Tools include removal/extraction/replacement of abbreviations, dates, dollar amounts, email addresses, hash tags, numbers, percentages, citations, person tags, phone numbers, times, and zip codes.