Demographic Analysis and Data Manipulation
Infer Age Label Type
Create Age Labels
Lower Limits, Midpoints, and Upper Limits of Age Groups
Validity Checks for Age Labels
Check that Arguments have Same Length
Check Whole Number
Check that Colnum Vectors do not Overlap
Aggregate Age Group Labels
Derive Life Tables that Match Life Expectancies, using a Brass Logit M...
Identify Sex or Gender Labels Referring to Females
Identify Sex or Gender Labels Referring to Males
Identify an Age Variable
Identify a Sex or Gender Variable
Identify a Time Variable
Get a named vector of column indices for the grouping variables in a g...
Calculate Life Tables or Life Expectancies
Logit and Inverse-Logit Functions
Turn a Matrix Into a List of Columns or Rows
Functions for working with demographic data
Convert q0 to m0
Reformat Age Group Labels
Reformat a Binary Sex Variable
Randomly Round A Vector of Integers to Base 3
Specify Open Age Group
Calculate Total Fertility Rates
Build a Matrix from Measure and ID Variables
Trim Values So They Are Between 0 and 1
Perform tasks commonly encountered when preparing and analysing demographic data. Some functions are intended for end users, and others for developers. Includes functions for working with life tables.
Useful links