Fast and Memory Efficient Fitting of Linear Models with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects
Compute average partial effects after fitting binary choice models wit...
Autoplot method for feglm objects
Asymptotic bias correction after fitting binary choice models with a 1...
Broom Integration
Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) with high-dimensional k-way fixed eff...
Set feglm
Control Parameters
GLM fitting with high-dimensional k-way fixed effects
LM fitting with high-dimensional k-way fixed effects
Negative Binomial model fitting with high-dimensional k-way fixed effe...
Poisson model fitting high-dimensional with k-way fixed effects
Recover the estimates of the fixed effects after fitting (G)LMs
Objects exported from other packages
Covariance matrix for GLMs
Covariance matrix for LMs
Fast and user-friendly estimation of generalized linear models with multiple fixed effects and cluster the standard errors. The method to obtain the estimated fixed-effects coefficients is based on Stammann (2018) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1707.01815> and Gaure (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2013.03.024>.
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