Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents
Add a sheet
Add a slide
Placeholder parameters annotation
PowerPoint table to matrix
Caption block
List of blocks
External Word document placeholder
Section for 'Word'
Table block
Table of content for 'Word'
Add a list of blocks into a 'Word' document
Add a page break in a 'Word' document
Add Word caption in a 'Word' document
Add an external docx in a 'Word' document
Add fpar in a 'Word' document
Add a 'ggplot' in a 'Word' document
Add an image in a 'Word' document
Add paragraphs of text in a 'Word' document
Add plot in a 'Word' document
Add table in a 'Word' document
Add table of content in a 'Word' document
Add an xml string as document element
Add content into a Word document
Add bookmark in a 'Word' document
Add comment in a 'Word' document
Add any section
Add a landscape multi columns section
Add multi columns section
Add continuous section
Add landscape section
Add portrait section
Remove an element in a 'Word' document
Replace text anywhere in the document
Add plots at bookmark location in a 'Word' document
Replace text at a bookmark location
Define Default Section
Replace styles in a 'Word' Document
Color scheme of a PowerPoint file
Set cursor in a 'Word' document
Read document properties
Body xml document
Body xml document
List Word bookmarks
Get comments in a Word document as a data.frame
xml element on which cursor is
'Word' page layout
add images into an rdocx object
Add character style in a Word document
Add or replace paragraph style in a Word document
Show underlying text tag structure
Get Word content in a data.frame
Empty block for 'PowerPoint'
External image
Eval a location on the current slide
Border properties object
Cell formatting properties
Paragraph formatting properties
Tabulation mark properties object
Tabs properties object
Text formatting properties
Formatted paragraph
Formatted chunk of text
Layout selection helper
Get the document being used as a template
Formatted chunk of text with hyperlink
Images to base64
Detect and handle duplicate placeholder labels
Slide layout properties
Change ph labels in a layout
Presentation layouts summary
Number of blocks inside an rdocx object
Number of slides
Extract media from a document object
Move a slide
Location of a named placeholder for notes
Location of a placeholder for notes
officer url encoder
Defunct Functions in Package officer
Manipulate Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents with 'officer'
Change current slide
Table options in a 'knitr' context
compress a folder
Page margins object
Page size object
Hyperlink a placeholder
Location of a full size element
Location of a placeholder based on its id
Location of a named placeholder
Location of a left body element
Location of a right body element
Location for a placeholder based on a template
Location of a placeholder based on a type
Location for a placeholder from scratch
Remove a shape
Slide link to a placeholder
Add objects on the current slide
Fill multiple placeholders using key value syntax
Wrap plot instructions for png plotting in Powerpoint or Word
Slide layout properties plot
PowerPoint content in a data.frame
Write a 'PowerPoint' file.
Write an 'RTF' document to a file
Section properties
Table properties
Create a 'Word' document object
Create a 'PowerPoint' document object
Create an 'Excel' document object
Remove a slide
Resolve short form location
Add content into an RTF document
Create an RTF document object
Auto number
Bookmark for 'Word'
Column break for 'Word'
Comment for 'Word'
Footnote for 'Word'
Word footnote reference
Page break for 'Word'
Page break for 'Word'
Cross reference
Tab for 'Word'
'Word' computed field
Word chunk of text with a style
Remove unused media from a document
Section columns
Update bookmark of an autonumber run
Set document properties
Set notes for current slide
pptx tags for visual and non visual properties
Select sheet
shortcuts for formatting properties
Slides width and height
Slide content in a data.frame
Get or set slide visibility
Line properties
Line end properties
Ensure valid slide indexes
Encode UTF8 string to RTF
Read 'Word' styles
Column widths of a table
Table conditional formatting
Algorithm for table layout
Paragraph styles for columns
Preferred width for a table
Convert officer objects to HTML
Convert officer objects to PresentationML
Convert officer objects to RTF
Convert officer objects to WordprocessingML
Unordered list
Extract files from a zip file
generates unique identifiers
transform an xml string with images references
Access and manipulate 'Microsoft Word', 'RTF' and 'Microsoft PowerPoint' documents from R. The package focuses on tabular and graphical reporting from R; it also provides two functions that let users get document content into data objects. A set of functions lets add and remove images, tables and paragraphs of text in new or existing documents. The package does not require any installation of Microsoft products to be able to write Microsoft files.
Useful links