Soil and Chemical Substance Emission and Transport Model
One dimensional automatic model calibration
Two dimensional automatic model calibration
Calibration quality
Initialise project
Demonstration project
DEM related input
Erosion prerequisites
First run
Get layer
Get parameter(s)
Convert ERDAS IMAGINE to GeoTIFF raster files
RPhosFate class
Save state
Set parameter(s)
Snap gauge(s)
Subsequent run
Transport prerequisites
An enhanced version of the semi-empirical, spatially distributed emission and transport model PhosFate implemented in 'R' and 'C++'. It is based on the D-infinity, but also supports the D8 flow method. The currently available substances are suspended solids (SS) and particulate phosphorus (PP). A major feature is the allocation of substance loads entering surface waters to their sources of origin, which is a basic requirement for the identification of critical source areas and in consequence a cost-effective implementation of mitigation measures. References: Hepp et al. (2022) <doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114514>; Hepp and Zessner (2019) <doi:10.3390/w11102161>; Kovacs (2013) <>.