Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
Coerce an Object to a Cluster Object
Automatically Stop a Cluster when Garbage Collected
Number of Available and Free Connections
Get Number of Available Cores on The Current Machine
Get Set of Available Workers
Clone one or more nodes
Get the Recent CPU Load
Search for SSH clients on the current system
Get the Average Number of Free CPU Cores
Find a TCP port that can be opened
Checks if a Connection is Valid
Checks whether or not we are running in a forked child process
Checks whether or not a Cluster Node Runs in a Forked Process
Checks whether or not a Cluster Node Runs on Localhost
Check whether or not the cluster nodes are alive
Terminate one or more cluster nodes using process signaling
Create a Rich Message Passing Interface (MPI) Cluster of R Workers for...
Create a Rich PSOCK Cluster of R Workers for Parallel Processing
Create a "parallel" cluster running sequentially in the current sessio...
Options Used by the 'parallelly' Package
Check whether a process PID exists or not
Calculate the size of an R object when it is serialized
Check If Forked Processing ("multicore") is Supported
Utility functions that enhance the 'parallel' package and support the built-in parallel backends of the 'future' package. For example, availableCores() gives the number of CPU cores available to your R process as given by the operating system, 'cgroups' and Linux containers, R options, and environment variables, including those set by job schedulers on high-performance compute clusters. If none is set, it will fall back to parallel::detectCores(). Another example is makeClusterPSOCK(), which is backward compatible with parallel::makePSOCKcluster() while doing a better job in setting up remote cluster workers without the need for configuring the firewall to do port-forwarding to your local computer.
Useful links