Minimization Tool for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis
Internal Functions
Compare model with Chi-square test
One compartment model - analytical
An Example of Dosing History Table
Simplest diagnostic plot for minimization result
environment for internal data
Environment's Objects
Expand Dosing History Table
Hougaard Measure of Skewness
Get Amounts of Each Compartments using Lambdas and Coefficients of Mul...
Nonlinear Regression in R
Internal Obj Functions
Plot Compartment Model Diagram
Plot Likelihood or Objective Fnnction Value Profile
Get Secondary Parameter Estimates
Get Lambdas and Coefficients of Two-compartment Model
Get Lambdas and Coefficients of Three-compartment Model
Minimization Tool for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis
Old type WinNonlin - Least Square not MLE
This is a set of minimization tools (maximum likelihood estimation and least square fitting) to solve examples in the Johan Gabrielsson and Dan Weiner's book "Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data Analysis - Concepts and Applications" 5th ed. (ISBN:9198299107). Examples include linear and nonlinear compartmental model, turn-over model, single or multiple dosing bolus/infusion/oral models, allometry, toxicokinetics, reversible metabolism, in-vitro/in-vivo extrapolation, enterohepatic circulation, metabolite modeling, Emax model, inhibitory model, tolerance model, oscillating response model, enantiomer interaction model, effect compartment model, drug-drug interaction model, receptor occupancy model, and rebound phenomena model.