Find sample data sets available in R packages
Response Variable Matrix
The Alveolar Data files for GAMLSS
Mahalanobis squared distances of Brownlee's stack loss plant operation...
Glass Identification Database
Simulated set of three tracks.
Kootenay Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters (2013)
An Iranian Earthquake Catalog
Image of Peppers
Results of wmt2
Yield of oats in a split-block experiment
Association between leprosy and BCG vaccination
Simulated individual level survival data
Twitter chart challenge data 1
Simulated data (30 items, polytomous G-DINA model)
Election dates
Table B17
Exposure concentrations of 34 PCB (simulated dataset)
Apartment prices in Warsaw, Poland
Example weather data for Apalachicola Bay East Bay station.
Example data X1
Logistic Regression Predictions for the Credit Data
Split-plot Experiment (SPE)
Dog's sample data from Pinhais, Brazil, 2017
Intermediate result used to draw manhattan plot.
State population data
Capital Bikeshare Bike Ridership (Registered and Casual Riders)
CVRP instance data by Rochat and Taillard, 1995
Nest Characteristics for Different Bird Species
Summary of fixation pattern generated by get_pattern() function
Computed flux values at a NEON site
Guess IQ from a Photo?
Fixed versus Adjustable Mortgages
INDTRACK1: Hang Seng Index and Constituents
Cowpea terrain requirement for land evaluation
Dataset with blood pressure measurements
Chianucci dataset
Simulated network
A simulated semi-competing risks data set with non-terminal events and...
Distribution of Grue Languages with UV-B Exposure
Monthly Gridded Meteorological Observations
Ranks of preprocessed monthly Danube river flow measurements
PCL transect from a red pine plantation in Northern Michigan, US.
Online Retail Data Set
Sample Standard Person Query dataset
Dataset. Yearly Maxima of Temperature and coordinates of 21 French cit...
Credit approval data
Transformation in a LifemapR format of NCBI information for 1000 eukar...