Find sample data sets available in R packages
Distribution of Scrabble pieces
Benchmarks for unit tests
Run off triangle of accumulated claim data
Marital Status and Email Usage
Grid Six Right
Energy data
Arm span and height measurements
Conjunto de dados mistos.
Zombie recovery data
Avocado temp requirement for land evaluation
Small example cross-sectional data set
Age and physical measurement data for wild bears (without missing valu...
Example data set for meteo data from weather stations
Column-normalized adjacency matrix representing the alumni network of ...
The brown fat data set
Gene expression
Mercury concentrations in fish across the United States.
Radiation Dose Effects on Chromosomal Abnormality
mydata is a simulated data set of a mgwrsar model
Estimators obtained with the function KnowB
GEUVADIS data with 62 eQTL-gene sets
Weight data for stratified random sampling demonstrations
High School and Beyond - 1982
Mass spectrometry intensities by stem cell type and organelle
Clinical outcomes for AML TARGET Project
Sample Meeting Query dataset
Artificial data set with outliers for illustration.
Cumulative risk of breast cancer in women with the BRCA1 mutation.
aircrash Bayesian Network
Counts of eelworms before and after fumigant treatments
Segment list of four lax vowels, read speech, one male and one female ...
The data used in Chapter 12, Exercise 9
Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for El Salvador for 2021
Spectral evolution of cassava cultivation
256 noisy bumps signal
Planetary Distances and Order from the Sun
Advertising cost: a real experimental data under spillover effect
SOWC Demographics Data.
Fry's 25 Most Commonly Used English Words
Trep data calculated from syncSeq[["data"]]
Banking Crises Distances
Barley Seeding Rate Data
Maternal Self-Efficacy
government spending
murSST Data
Parameters for creatine kinase
A list of sample names