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Transacfruits Data Set
Average yearly summer air temperature for Tasiilaq, Greenland
Sherlock data sets
Engineering Drawing Hours
RasterStack showing the 6 genetic regions that Wilson's warblers may b...
Taxonomic synonyms searched by the taxmapper algorithm
Dataset of Adekoya, Akinseye, Antonakakis, Chatziantoniou, Gabauer and...
list of cultural layers available from Natural Earth
FHT data introduced in Simon et al. (2011).
Subjective estimates of the weight of the referents of 81 English noun...
Overview of the fishway operation at Arzal in (Vilaine France).
Appearance for film builds
Cetacea Data
Differential gene list and background gene list
Data from Example 9.1 on page 369 Qiu (2014).
Moderated profile analysis dummy data
Simulated Spatial Multisampling Data For Test (DataFrame)
Spencer et al. (2012)
NIOSH Air Lead Levels Data
NRM referrals from Government first responders - Q1 2023
World oats, corn, rice, wheat production, CO2 emissions, temperature a...
Mathematics achievement scores
Catch and effort data for Hawaiian Islands Slipper Lobster.
Catch-at-age for Yellow Perch from Chequamegon Bay, Lake Superior.
Time series for change point detection
Noisy Gravitational Wave
Country membership to IGO by year
True clustering labels for Texas data set.
Example dataset for using scatterplots to identify outliers
Sample Data for RCircos Ribbon Plot
LaLonde's 1978 Earnings Data
This is a dataset that would need some pre-processing ahead of using l...
Tree scaling example data
US State Neighbor List
Factors associated with prostate specific antigen
Export of US and China from 1999 to 2004 in US dollars
Sheep Data
Mouse life expectancy data
Koenig-Archibugi (2004)
Fatty acid composition of commercial oils
Spotify 75 Dataset
Grid Twenty Right
Example data to show mdftracks functionality
Cocoa temp requirement for land evaluation
rnt data
Black-capped vireo mark-recapture distance sampling analysis
Critical values of the F-test on the independent variables in the cond...