Find sample data sets available in R packages
Nodal involvement and acid phosphatase levels in 53 prostate cancer pa...
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Vega, Texas
Glass Identification Database
A simulated dataset
Two Alleles Simulated Data
Bieri equation 1 of development rate as a function of temperature.
A toyExample to showcase reference-free simulations
Number of eggs versus amounts of feed supplement
Cached ADPC
Dataset based on GMAT.
Vanguard International Mutual Funds and Inception Dates
Occupational dataset - small one
Covariates data
Values for calculating RSI for 30-day length of stay
Wolf Tooth Measurements
Eugene Garfield's manuscripts.
Synonym table for various geographical scales
Darwin's Data
vampyr_example database
Résultats des élections présidentielles françaises de 2012
Berkeley Growth Velocity Dataset
Flower visitation network from a meadow near Bristol, UK
Conos graph
1st fitted ctmaFit-object in a series of 2 to test equality of 2 cross...
MF GO-terms reduced GO-DAG for Rat
Selection of fast food restaurants in Toronto
Nematode table
Adverse Events Analysis Results Data
Dayton Student Survey on Substance Use
Bone Marrow Transplant
Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and zebrafish
Randomized Response Survey on industrial company income
Coso Geothermal Region Faults and Geology
Genotypic data of 655 genotypes for loblolly pine dataset
Election Data
Vertically Integrated Water Vapor Transport Data
Desikan-Killiany Cortical Atlas
Bladder Cancer data
Page views from Sep 21, 2007 to Dec 2, 2007 of Yihui's website
Output of tseriesca function for the GDP per person employed dataset
State Legislative District (Upper Chambers) Public Opinion Ideology in...
Fission pattern and heritable morphological traits
dataset: futures contracts metadata
SITC1 Description
Example data for eHDPrep
NMR grouping bins from Cade-Menun (2015).
Child dataset
30 year trimmed mean daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the Oh...