Find sample data sets available in R packages
Figure 15.1 Data
Head and Neck cancer Quality of Life data.
Data from introductory statistics students at a university.
Local BLAST results.
The fundamental physical constants
South Korea COVID-19 dataset
Phylogeny of the Orders of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
Data for a Split-Plot ANOVA
US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) vaccine data for Pre...
Projection matrix for teasel
Median prices of single-family homes in 65 metropolitan statistical ar...
Dataset for Exercise F, Chapter 03
EQ-5D-3L index values (for each set of response of 3L) for different c...
Sample of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
This is a toy dataset, which is simply an example of a Total Return In...
Simulated Linear plus Exponential Peak
U.S. Geological Survey gage 09480000 Santa Cruz River near Lochiel, Ar...
Data sets in Box and Meyer (1986)
Twelve wines from 3 regions in France with 18 attributes.
Dog Rabies in Central African Republic, 2003-2012
Artificial Q-matrix for 30 items 3 attributes
phdarticles Bayesian Network
AIMs markers in Precision ID Ancestry Panel (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Critical Values for the RM Goodness of Fit Test
INDTRACK5: Nikkei 225 Index and Constituents
Wheat yields in a line-source sprinkler experiment
All features available in Rcatch22 in tidy format
Toy example fadata list.
Data set Ecoli: Protein Localization Sites
Spatial data for western fence lizards in Yosemite
Synthetic Data for Small Area Estimation under Spatial Simultaneous Au...
UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (GED) sample
Copper and zinc concentrations in ground water
Toy dataset for binomial response
hg19 chromosome sizes
Data for Problem 12.3a in Applied Time Series Analysis with R, second ...
List of Supported Species in the Package ForestElementsR
Simulated gene data to predict weight loss
A caribou forage experiment
Toy data metabolite expression
DENGUE/DHF situation in India since 2017
2011-12 FPED Data
Diabetes data with interaction terms
Cricket song dataset
Turbidity of a toothpaste formulation
An example dataset with competing risks outcomes.
R7 Artificial Dataset
Marathons in Warsaw / Poland