Find sample data sets available in R packages
UVic ESCM climate model ensemble parameter settings
Hip-Hop Is Turning On Donald Trump
Suspected Cancer (SCAN) Pathway
Sets of focal and reference item parameters from Wright (2011).
Predictions for the two-action games
Subject pronouns
An example cohort definition
Auto Data Set
X_proteomic Data
R Data containing HGNC data.
Food Prices in Banten
Tarragona data set
Pacific Salmon Color
Cowles and Davis's Data on Volunteering
Interim enrollment and event data before enrollment completion
Data: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Sample # 3)
Apple-blossom Thrips time series
Example Data: Nested Hierarchical Latent Variables
Employment in different countries by gender and status.
Copy number data for the training set
Per Capita Health Expenditure in the Netherlands, 2003-2011
Example MCMC model comparison outputs outputs
Blizzard Employee Voluntary Salary Info.
Australian retail trade turnover
Mortality Rates for Cardiac Surgery on Babies at 12 Hospitals
local_network, local network gene set
A data table defining neutral losses in LC-ESI-MS (positive mode).
French wind data
Confounder Data
Rental Housing and Demographics in NYC (2000s), non-spatial.
Example Approach Avoidance Task (AAT) Measurement Data in JASMIN2 Form...
Amino acid side chain property values
Sorghum grain number
A matrix with categories
Example of ADaM datasets from the CDISC original Pilot 01 study
Two spirals wrapped around one another
Image of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
Hell Creek Dinosaur Data
Subset of the 'extdata' data in the 'flowWorkspaceData' package
Bread rise experiment data from Chapter 2
Configuration for winter tick population dynamics model
Toxic intensity for manufacturing plants producing herbicidal preparat...
Simulated MA(2) data
ivmte Simulated Data
MFG-CSR correspondence based on CSR-trait relationships in Reynolds et...
Sample Dataset Used in Numerical Studies of "Detection and Attribution...
ENCODE raw query data