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Amplification mix percentage
An Artificial LLRA Data Set
Resistance of One-half-ohm Resistors
Data: Viajes vendidos
Topic models trained with the abstracts dataset.
asti data
A sample from the SAPA Personality Inventory including an item diction...
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Gain in Weight of Rats
Weather Conditions and Playing a Game
Brandsma school data used Snijders and Bosker (2012)
American Health Care Act Polls
Clothianidin concentration in maize plants
Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial
G4F2 population dataset
How Baby Boomers Get High
Preprocessed Benin DHS 17-18 dataset
Survival times of former NBA players.
Ego Networks Elicited from the "Important Matters" Name Generator Ques...
Mus musculus data set
Formatted output of OrthoMCL.
isoscape dataset
UPGMA tree of the OTUs from 16S sequencing of the throat microbiome sa...
Brazil Grid
Berkeley Growth Study data
Epibionts on Caribbean mangrove roots
Statistics Grades
demands313 example vector
Soil treatment experiment in tree seedlings
Renal transplant data
Lip cancer in Scotland 1975 - 1980
Dataset for Exercise A, Chapter 12
OpenIntro Statistics colors
Flower Length in Tobacco Plants
DamischRCJ - Ch9 - from 6 Damisch studies, and Calin-Jageman and Caldw...
Uniformity trial of cotton
Simulated Data, Continuous
71996 Water Use, Secondary (Codes)
NRM referrals from NGO and third sector first responders - Q2 2023
Simulated SNP signal
Simulation 5 for High Order Spatial Matrix
The Escherichia Coli Core Metabolism: Reaction network model specifici...
Chesapeake Bay Program Monitoring Data, 1985-2016
Mountain Ranges and Buttes
Fitted JAGS interactive linear model
The text of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Alchemist"