addSegSite function

Add segregating site to MapPop

Add segregating site to MapPop

This function allows for adding a new segregating site with user supplied genotypes to a MapPop. The position of the site is set using a genetic map position.

addSegSite(mapPop, siteName, chr, mapPos, haplo)


  • mapPop: an object of MapPop-class
  • siteName: name to give the segregating site
  • chr: which chromosome to add the site
  • mapPos: genetic map position of site in Morgans
  • haplo: haplotypes for the site


an object of MapPop-class


# Creates a populations of 10 outbred individuals # Their genome consists of 1 chromosome and 2 segregating sites founderPop = quickHaplo(nInd=10,nChr=1,segSites=2) # Add a locus a the 0.5 Morgan map position haplo = matrix(sample(x=0:1, size=20, replace=TRUE), ncol=1) founderPop2 = addSegSite(founderPop, siteName="x", chr=1, mapPos=0.5, haplo=haplo) pullSegSiteHaplo(founderPop2)