utils function

Miscellaneous utility functions

Miscellaneous utility functions

is_url(x, https_only = FALSE) get_paged_list(lst, token, next_link_name = "nextLink", value_name = "value")


  • x: For is_url, An R object.
  • https_only: For is_url, whether to allow only HTTPS URLs.
  • lst: A named list of objects.
  • token: For get_paged_list, an Azure OAuth token, of class AzureToken .
  • next_link_name, value_name: For get_paged_list, the names of the next link and value components in the lst argument. The default values are correct for Resource Manager.


For get_paged_list, a list.

For is_url, whether the object appears to be a URL (is character of length 1, and starts with the string "http"). Optionally, restricts the check to HTTPS URLs only.


get_paged_list reconstructs a complete list of objects from a paged response. Many Resource Manager list operations will return paged output, that is, the response contains a subset of all items, along with a URL to query to retrieve the next subset. get_paged_list retrieves each subset and returns all items in a single list.

  • Maintainer: Hong Ooi
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-09-21