Analysis of Basketball Data
Analysis of Basketball Data
Capitalize two-word strings
Advanced statistics
Get games with clutch time
Efficient Points Scored (EPS)
Four factors data frame
Compute free throw fouls
Join games and players' info
Compute ACB lineups
Data frame for the nationalities map
Offensive Efficiency (OE)
Compute offensive fouls
Compute when possessions start
Prepare ACB play-by-play data
Prepare data for the offensive rebounds computation
Prepare data for the timeouts computation
Processing of the ACB website play-by-play data
Check if scoring after offensive rebounds
Player game finder data
Players profile data
Accumulated or average statistics
Compute stats per period
Accumulated and average statistics for teams
Compute ACB sub-lineups
Check if timeouts resulted in scoring
Barplots with monthly stats
Basketball bubble plot
Four factors plot
Get all games and rosters
Basketball heatmap
Nationalities map
Population pyramid
Shooting plot
Similar players to archetypoids
Similar teams to archetypoids
Season-by-season stats
League cross table
Join ACB games and players' info
Join Euroleague and Eurocup games and players' info
ACB player game finder data
Old ACB player game finder data
Euroleague and Eurocup player game finder data
ACB players' profile
Euroleague and Eurocup players' profile
Collection of tools to work with European basketball data. Functions available are related to friendly web scraping, data management and visualization. Data were obtained from <>, <> and <>, following the instructions of their respectives robots.txt files, when available. Box score data are available for the three leagues. Play-by-play data are also available for the Spanish league. Methods for analysis include a population pyramid, 2D plots, circular plots of players' percentiles, plots of players' monthly/yearly stats, team heatmaps, team shooting plots, team four factors plots, cross-tables with the results of regular season games, maps of nationalities, combinations of lineups, possessions-related variables, timeouts, performance by periods, personal fouls and offensive rebounds. Please see Vinue (2020) <doi:10.1089/big.2018.0124>.