assign_cluster function

Assign Assessors to Clusters

Assign Assessors to Clusters

Assign assessors to clusters by finding the cluster with highest posterior probability.

assign_cluster(model_fit, soft = TRUE, expand = FALSE)


  • model_fit: An object of type BayesMallows, returned from compute_mallows().
  • soft: A logical specifying whether to perform soft or hard clustering. If soft=TRUE, all cluster probabilities are returned, whereas if soft=FALSE, only the maximum a posterior (MAP) cluster probability is returned, per assessor. In the case of a tie between two or more cluster assignments, a random cluster is taken as MAP estimate.
  • expand: A logical specifying whether or not to expand the rowset of each assessor to also include clusters for which the assessor has 0 a posterior assignment probability. Only used when soft = TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.


A dataframe. If soft = FALSE, it has one row per assessor, and columns assessor, probability and map_cluster. If soft = TRUE, it has n_cluster rows per assessor, and the additional column cluster.


# Fit a model with three clusters to the simulated example data set.seed(1) mixture_model <- compute_mallows( data = setup_rank_data(cluster_data), model_options = set_model_options(n_clusters = 3), compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 5000, burnin = 1000) ) head(assign_cluster(mixture_model)) head(assign_cluster(mixture_model, soft = FALSE))

See Also

Other posterior quantities: compute_consensus(), compute_posterior_intervals(), get_acceptance_ratios(), heat_plot(), plot.BayesMallows(), plot.SMCMallows(), plot_elbow(), plot_top_k(), predict_top_k(), print.BayesMallows()