heat_plot function

Heat plot of posterior probabilities

Heat plot of posterior probabilities

Generates a heat plot with items in their consensus ordering along the horizontal axis and ranking along the vertical axis. The color denotes posterior probability.

heat_plot(model_fit, ...)


  • model_fit: An object of type BayesMallows, returned from compute_mallows().
  • ...: Additional arguments passed on to other methods. In particular, type = "CP" or type = "MAP" can be passed on to compute_consensus() to determine the order of items along the horizontal axis.


A ggplot object.


set.seed(1) model_fit <- compute_mallows( setup_rank_data(potato_visual), compute_options = set_compute_options(nmc = 2000, burnin = 500)) heat_plot(model_fit) heat_plot(model_fit, type = "MAP")

See Also

Other posterior quantities: assign_cluster(), compute_consensus(), compute_posterior_intervals(), get_acceptance_ratios(), plot.BayesMallows(), plot.SMCMallows(), plot_elbow(), plot_top_k(), predict_top_k(), print.BayesMallows()