Functions for Elementary Bayesian Inference
Bayesian inference for simple linear regression
Bayesian inference for multiple linear regression
Bayesian t-test
Binomial sampling with a beta prior
Binomial sampling with a discrete prior
Binomial sampling with a general continuous prior
Binomial sampling with a beta mixture prior
Bolstad Functions
Control Bolstad functions
Cumulative distribution function generic
Create prior default method
Create prior generic
Plot the prior, likelihood, and posterior on the same plot.
Interquartile Range generic
Lines method for Bolstad objects
Calculate the posterior mean
Median generic
Bayesian inference on a mutlivariate normal (MVN) mean with a multivar...
Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a discrete prior
Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a general continuous prior
Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a mixture of normal priors
Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a normal prior
Bayesian inference for a normal standard deviation with a scaled inver...
Plot method for objects of type Bolstad
Poisson sampling with a discrete prior
Poisson sampling with a gamma prior
Poisson sampling with a general continuous prior
Print method for objects of class Bolstad
Generic print method
Print method for objects of class sscsample
Posterior quantiles
Posterior standard deviation
Standard deviation generic
Numerical integration using Simpson's Rule
Simple, Stratified and Cluster Sampling
Summarizing Bayesian Multiple Linear Regression
Variance generic
Monte Carlo study of randomized and blocked designs
A set of R functions and data sets for the book Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, Bolstad, W.M. (2017), John Wiley & Sons ISBN 978-1-118-09156-2.