Bayesian Object Oriented Modeling
Function to add horizontal line segments to an existing plot
Normal prior for an AR1 coefficient
Beta prior for a binomial proportion
Plot the distribution of a matrix
Compare Boxplots to True Values
Checking data formats
Check MCMC Output
Draw Circles
Compare several density estimates.
Compare Dynamic Distributions
Compare several density estimates.
Compares several density estimates.
Boxplots to compare distributions of vectors
The Dirichlet Distribution
Dirichlet prior for a multinomial distribution
Discrete prior distributions
Multivariate Normal Density
Prior distributions for a real valued scalar
Add an external legend to an array of plots.
Gamma prior distribution
Generate a data frame of all factor data
A Bunch of Histograms
Inverse Wishart Distribution
Inverse Gamma Distribution
Check whether a number is even or odd.
Log Multivariate Gamma Function
Log Integrated Gaussian Likelihood
Lognormal Prior Distribution
Prior for a Markov chain
Scan a Matrix
diagonal MVN prior
Independence prior for the MVN
Multivariate normal prior
Conditional Multivaraite Normal Prior Given Variance
Normal inverse gamma prior
Normal inverse Wishart prior
Normal (scalar Gaussian) prior distribution
Pairs plot for posterior distributions.
Contour plot of a bivariate density.
Plots the pointwise evolution of a distribution over an index set.
Plots individual autocorrelation functions for many-valued time series
Multiple time series plots
Regression Coefficient Conjugate Prior
Repeated Lists of Objects
Multivariate Normal Simulation
Scaled Matrix-Normal Prior
Prior for a standard deviation or variance
Sufficient Statistics
Suggest MCMC Burn-in from Log Likelihood
Thin a Matrix
Thin the rows of a matrix
Time Series Boxplots
Convert to Character String
Trace of the Product of Two Matrices
Uniform prior distribution
Wishart Distribution
A C++ library for Bayesian modeling, with an emphasis on Markov chain Monte Carlo. Although boom contains a few R utilities (mainly plotting functions), its primary purpose is to install the BOOM C++ library on your system so that other packages can link against it.