Bootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene Selection
Selection of informative geneset based on statistical significance val...
Selection of informative geneset using gene weights obtained from the ...
Computation of weights for informative genes/ geneset selection using ...
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Informative geneset selection using MRMR weights
Compuation of statistical significance values for genes using Bootstra...
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Computation of weights for informative gene selection using Modified B...
Computation of MRMR weights for gene selection
Selection of informative features like genes, transcripts, RNA seq, etc. using Bootstrap Maximum Relevance and Minimum Redundancy technique from a given high dimensional genomic dataset. Informative gene selection involves identification of relevant genes and removal of redundant genes as much as possible from a large gene space. Main applications in high-dimensional expression data analysis (e.g. microarray data, NGS expression data and other genomics and proteomics applications).