Bradley-Terry Models
Add or Drop Single Terms to/from a Bradley Terry Model
Compare Nested Bradley Terry Models
Estimated Abilities from a Bradley-Terry Model
Bradley-Terry Model and Extensions
Convert Contingency Table of Wins to Binomial Counts
Specify a Generalised Davidson Term in a gnm Model Formula
Control Aspects of the glmmPQL Algorithm
PQL Estimation of Generalized Linear Mixed Models
Plot Proportions of Tied Matches and Non-tied Matches Won
Predict Method for BTglmmPQL Objects
Predict Method for Bradley-Terry Models
Quasi Variances for Estimated Abilities
Objects exported from other packages
Residuals from a Bradley-Terry Model
Specify and fit the Bradley-Terry model, including structured versions in which the parameters are related to explanatory variables through a linear predictor and versions with contest-specific effects, such as a home advantage.
Useful links