Cluster Evaluation
CLUster Evaluation R package
Cluster enrichment test
Generate optimal clustering
Fisher's exact test-based enrichment test
Visualize fuzzy clustering results
Biocarta pathway annotations
DAVID pathway annotations
KEGG pathway annotations
Reactome pathway annotations
Phospho.ELM annotations for human
Phospho.ELM annotations for mouse
PhosphoSitePlus annotations for human
PhosphoSitePlus annotations for mouse
Run CLUster Evaluation
Temporal data simulation
CLUster Evaluation (CLUE) is a computational method for identifying optimal number of clusters in a given time-course dataset clustered by cmeans or kmeans algorithms and subsequently identify key kinases or pathways from each cluster. Its implementation in R is called ClueR. See README on <> for more details. P Yang et al. (2015) <doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004403>.