Download Colombian Demographic, Climate and Geospatial Data
Calculate annual aggregate of climate data
Aggregate climate data for different frequencies
Calculate daily aggregate of climate data
Calculate monthly aggregate of climate data
Calculate annual sunshine duration
Calculate annual precipitation
Calculate annual minimum temperature
Calculate annual maximum temperature
Calculate annual dry-bulb mean temperature
Check arguments in climate functions
Retrieve departments' DIVIPOLA names from codes
Retrieve municipalities' DIVIPOLA names from codes
Calculate daily sunshine duration
Climate aggregation rules
Retrieve DIVIPOLA table
Download climate data from geometry
Download climate data from stations
Download climate from named geometry (municipality or department)
Download demographic dataset
Download geospatial dataset
Download population projections
Download data dictionaries
List climate (IDEAM) tags
Download list of available datasets
Filter list of available datasets based on keywords given by the user
Match and merge geospatial and demographic datasets
Calculate monthly sunshine duration
Calculate monthly precipitation
Calculate monthly minimum temperature
Calculate monthly maximum temperature
Calculate monthly dry-bulb mean temperature
Retrieve departments' DIVIPOLA codes from names
Retrieve municipalities' DIVIPOLA codes from names
Translate department names to official departments' DIVIPOLA names
Translate municipality names to official municipalities' DIVIPOLA name...
Retrieve climate directory path
Retrieve climate table file from one station
Retrieve code
Retrieve dictionary path of named dataset
Retrieve geospatial dataset name for consultation
Retrieve demographic and geospatial path of named dataset
Retrieve support dataset path
Retrieve table (csv and data) file
Retrieve value from key
Stations in region of interest
Downloads wrangled Colombian socioeconomic, geospatial,population and climate data from DANE <> (National Administrative Department of Statistics) and IDEAM <> (Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies). It solves the problem of Colombian data being issued in different web pages and sources by using functions that allow the user to select the desired database and download it without having to do the exhausting acquisition process.
Useful links