cc_cap function

Identify Coordinates in Vicinity of Country Capitals.

Identify Coordinates in Vicinity of Country Capitals.

Removes or flags records within a certain radius around country capitals. Poorly geo-referenced occurrence records in biological databases are often erroneously geo-referenced to capitals.

cc_cap( x, lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", species = "species", buffer = 10000, geod = TRUE, ref = NULL, verify = FALSE, value = "clean", verbose = TRUE )


  • x: data.frame. Containing geographical coordinates and species names.
  • lon: character string. The column with the longitude coordinates. Default = decimalLongitude .
  • lat: character string. The column with the latitude coordinates. Default = decimalLatitude .
  • species: character string. The column with the species identity. Only required if verify = TRUE.
  • buffer: The buffer around each capital coordinate (the centre of the city), where records should be flagged as problematic. Units depend on geod. Default = 10 kilometres.
  • geod: logical. If TRUE the radius around each capital is calculated based on a sphere, buffer is in meters and independent of latitude. If FALSE the radius is calculated assuming planar coordinates and varies slightly with latitude. Default = TRUE. See for detail and credits.
  • ref: SpatVector (geometry: polygons). Providing the geographic gazetteer. Can be any SpatVector (geometry: polygons), but the structure must be identical to countryref. Default = countryref.
  • verify: logical. If TRUE records are only flagged if they are the only record in a given species flagged close to a given reference. If FALSE, the distance is the only criterion
  • value: character string. Defining the output value. See value.
  • verbose: logical. If TRUE reports the name of the test and the number of records flagged.


Depending on the value argument, either a data.frame

containing the records considered correct by the test (clean ) or a logical vector (flagged ), with TRUE = test passed and FALSE = test failed/potentially problematic . Default = clean .


See for more details and tutorials.


## Not run: x <- data.frame(species = letters[1:10], decimalLongitude = c(runif(99, -180, 180), -47.882778), decimalLatitude = c(runif(99, -90, 90), -15.793889)) cc_cap(x) cc_cap(x, value = "flagged") ## End(Not run)

See Also

Other Coordinates: cc_aohi(), cc_cen(), cc_coun(), cc_dupl(), cc_equ(), cc_gbif(), cc_inst(), cc_iucn(), cc_outl(), cc_sea(), cc_urb(), cc_val(), cc_zero()