This function calculated individual profiles aka Ceteris Paribus Profiles. From DALEX version 1.0 this function calls the ceteris_paribus from the ingredients package. Find information how to use this function here:
predict_profile( explainer, new_observation, variables =NULL,..., type ="ceteris_paribus", variable_splits_type ="uniform")individual_profile( explainer, new_observation, variables =NULL,..., type ="ceteris_paribus", variable_splits_type ="uniform")
explainer: a model to be explained, preprocessed by the explain function
new_observation: a new observation for which predictions need to be explained
variables: character - names of variables to be explained
...: other parameters
type: character, currently only the ceteris_paribus is implemented
variable_splits_type: how variable grids shall be calculated? Use "quantiles" (default) for percentiles or "uniform" to get uniform grid of points. Will be passed to ingredients.
An object of the class ceteris_paribus_explainer. It's a data frame with calculated average response.