R Database Interface
Call an SQL stored procedure
Change database state
Keywords according to the SQL-92 standard
A dummy DBI connector that simulates ANSI-SQL compliance
Insert rows into a table
Insert rows into a table from an Arrow stream
Bind values to a parameterized/prepared statement
Check if a connection to a DBMS can be established
Clear a result set
Information about result types
Create a connection to a DBMS
Create a table in the database
Create a table in the database based on an Arrow object
Determine the SQL data type of an object
Disconnect (close) a connection
Load and unload database drivers
Does a table exist?
Fetch records from a previously executed query
Fetch records from a previously executed query as an Arrow object
Fetch the next batch of records from a previously executed query as an...
Get connection arguments
Determine the current version of the package.
Get DBMS exceptions
Get DBMS metadata
Retrieve results from a query
Retrieve results from a query as an Arrow object
The number of rows fetched so far
The number of rows affected
Get the statement associated with a result set
Completion status
DBI: R Database Interface
DBIConnection class
DBIConnector class
DBIDriver class
DBIObject class
DBIResult class
DBIResultArrow class
Is this DBMS object read only?
Is this DBMS object still valid?
List currently open connections
List field names of a remote table
List remote objects
A list of all pending results
List remote tables
Quote identifiers
Quote literal values
Quote literal strings
Read database tables as data frames
Read database tables as Arrow objects
Remove a table from the database
Execute a query on a given database connection
Execute a query on a given database connection for retrieval via Arrow
Execute a data manipulation statement on a given database connection
Set data mappings between an DBMS and R.
Unquote identifiers
Self-contained SQL transactions
Copy data frames to database tables
Copy Arrow objects to database tables
Internal page for hidden aliases
Refer to a table nested in a hierarchy (e.g. within a schema)
Make R identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
Convert row names back and forth between columns
SQL quoting
Compose query to insert rows into a table
Compose query to create a simple table
Convert a data frame into form suitable for upload to an SQL database
Safely interpolate values into an SQL string
Parse interpolated variables from SQL.
Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions
A database interface definition for communication between R and relational database management systems. All classes in this package are virtual and need to be extended by the various R/DBMS implementations.