Data Cloud Geometry (DCG): Using Random Walks to Find Community Structure in Social Network Analysis
Convert a matrix to a similarity matrix. as.SimilarityMatrix
convert to a symmetric adjacency matrix
generate eigenvalues for all ensemble matrices getEigenvalueList
generate ensemble matrix getEns
get ensemble matrix from given simil...
generating a list of ensemble matrices based on the similarity matrix ...
get similarity matrix from a distance matrix
generate tree plots for each ensemble matrix plotCLUSTERS
plot all c...
plot eigenvalues plotMultiEigenvalues
plot eigenvalues to determine ...
generate tree plots for selected ensemble matrix plotTrees
plot one ...
generate temperatures temperatureSample
generate tempatures based on...
Data cloud geometry (DCG) applies random walks in finding community structures for social networks. Fushing, VanderWaal, McCowan, & Koehl (2013) (<doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056259>).