Connecting to Various Database Platforms
Assert the temp emulation schema is set
Compute hash of data
Create DBI connection details
Compress files and/or folders into a single zip file
DatabaseConnector: Connecting to Various Database Platforms
DatabaseConnector DBI results class.
DatabaseConnectorDriver class.
Create a DatabaseConnectorDriver object
DatabaseConnector JDBC results class.
Add an interval to a date
Compute difference between dates
Construct a date from parts
Extract the day from a date
Insert rows into a table
Clear a result set
Clear a result set
Information about result types
Information about result types
Create a connection to a DBMS
Create a table in the database
Disconnect (close) a connection
Execute an update statement, query number of rows affected, and then c...
Does a table exist?
Fetch records from a previously executed query
Fetch records from a previously executed query
Get DBMS metadata
Get DBMS metadata
Send query, retrieve results and then clear result set
The number of rows fetched so far
The number of rows fetched so far
The number of rows affected
The number of rows affected
Get the statement associated with a result set
Get the statement associated with a result set
Completion status
Completion status
Is this DBMS object still valid?
Is this DBMS object still valid?
List field names of a remote table
List remote tables
Get the database platform from a connection
Copy data frames from database tables
Remove a table from the database
Execute a query on a given database connection
Execute a query on a given database connection
Execute a data manipulation statement on a given database connection
Load and unload database drivers
Copy data frames to database tables
Disconnect from the server
Download DatabaseConnector JDBC Jar files
Drop all emulated temp tables.
Return the end of the month
Execute SQL code
Does the table exist?
Extract query times from a ParallelLogger
log file
Get available Java heap space
List all tables in a database schema.
Refer to a table in a database schema
Insert a table on the server
Test a character vector of SQL names for SQL reserved words
How to download and use JDBC drivers for the various data platforms.
Execute SQL code
Low level function for retrieving data to a data frame
Low level function for retrieving data to a local Andromeda object
Extract the month from a date
Retrieve data to a data.frame
Retrieves data to a local Andromeda object
Render, translate, execute SQL code
Render, translate, and perform process to batches of data.
Render, translate, and query to data.frame
Render, translate, and query to local Andromeda
Does the DBMS require temp table emulation?
Extract the year from a date
An R 'DataBase Interface' ('DBI') compatible interface to various database platforms ('PostgreSQL', 'Oracle', 'Microsoft SQL Server', 'Amazon Redshift', 'Microsoft Parallel Database Warehouse', 'IBM Netezza', 'Apache Impala', 'Google BigQuery', 'Snowflake', 'Spark', and 'SQLite'). Also includes support for fetching data as 'Andromeda' objects. Uses either 'Java Database Connectivity' ('JDBC') or other 'DBI' drivers to connect to databases.
Useful links