


tools:::Rd_package_description("DatabionicSwarm") package


For a brief introduction to DatabionicSwarm please see the vignette Short Intro to the Databionic Swarm (DBS). The license is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.



Michal Thrun

Maintainer: tools:::Rd_package_maintainer("DatabionicSwarm")


[Thrun/Ultsch, 2021] Thrun, M. C., and Ultsch, A.: Swarm Intelligence for Self-Organized Clustering, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 290, pp. 103237, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.artint.2020.103237") , 2021.

[Thrun/Ultsch, 2021] Thrun, M. C., & Ultsch, A.: Swarm Intelligence for Self-Organized Clustering (Extended Abstract), in Bessiere, C. (Ed.), 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Vol. IJCAI-20, pp. 5125--5129, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.24963/ijcai.2020/720") , Yokohama, Japan, Jan., 2021.

[Thrun/Ultsch, 2020] Thrun, M. C., & Ultsch, A.: Uncovering High-Dimensional Structures of Projections from Dimensionality Reduction Methods, MethodsX, Vol. 7, pp. 101093, DOI tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.mex.2020.101093") , 2020.

[Thrun, 2018] Thrun, M. C.: Projection Based Clustering through Self-Organization and Swarm Intelligence, doctoral dissertation 2017, Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-658-20539-3, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/978-3-658-20540-9") , 2018.

[Ultsch/Thrun, 2017] Ultsch, A., & Thrun, M. C.: Credible Visualizations for Planar Projections, in Cottrell, M. (Ed.), 12th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Data Visualization (WSOM), IEEE Xplore, France, 2017.

[Thrun et al., 2016] Thrun, M. C., Lerch, F., Loetsch, J., & Ultsch, A.: Visualization and 3D Printing of Multivariate Data of Biomarkers, in Skala, V. (Ed.), International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), Vol. 24, Plzen,, 2016.

Successfully used in

[Thrun et al., 2018] Thrun, M. C., Breuer, L., & Ultsch, A. : Knowledge discovery from low-frequency stream nitrate concentrations: hydrology and biology contributions, Proc. European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), pp. 46-47, Paderborn, Germany, 2018.

[Weyer-Menkhoff et al., 2018] Weyer-Menkhoff, I., Thrun, M. C., & Loetsch, J.: Machine-learned analysis of quantitative sensory testing responses to noxious cold stimulation in healthy subjects, European Journal of Pain, Vol. 22(5), pp. 862-874, DOI tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/ejp.1173") , 2018.

[Kringel et al., 2018] Kringel, D., Geisslinger, G., Resch, E., Oertel, B. G., Thrun, M. C., Heinemann, S., & Loetsch, J. : Machine-learned analysis of the association of next-generation sequencing based human TRPV1 and TRPA1 genotypes with the sensitivity to heat stimuli and topically applied capsaicin, Pain, Vol. 159 (7 ), pp. 1366-1381, DOI tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001222") , 2018

[Thrun, 2019] Thrun, M. C.: : Cluster Analysis of Per Capita Gross Domestic Products, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (EBER), Vol. 7(1), pp. 217-231, DOI: tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.15678/EBER.2019.070113") , 2019.

[Lopez-Garcia et al., 2020] Lopez-Garcia, P., Argote, D. L., & Thrun, M. C.: Projection-based Classification of Chemical Groups and Provenance Analysis of Archaeological Materials, IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 152439-152451, DOI tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3016244") , 2020.


data('Lsun3D') ##2d projection, without instant visualization of steps #Alternative I: #DistanceMatrix hast to be defined by the user. InputDistances=as.matrix(dist(Lsun3D$Data)) projection=Pswarm(InputDistances) #2d projection, with instant visualization ## Not run: #Alternative II: DataMatrix, Distance is Euclidean per default projection=Pswarm(Lsun3D$Data,Cls=Lsun3D$Cls,PlotIt=T) ## End(Not run) # ##Computation of Generalized Umatrix # If Non Euclidean Distances are used, Please Use \code{MDS} # from the ProjectionBasedClustering package with the correct OutputDimension # to generate a new DataMatrix from the distances (see SheppardDiagram # or KruskalStress) genUmatrixList=GeneratePswarmVisualization(Data = Lsun3D$Data, projection$ProjectedPoints,projection$LC) ## Visualizuation of GenerelizedUmatrix, # Estimation of the Number of Clusters=Number of valleys library(GeneralizedUmatrix)#install if not installed GeneralizedUmatrix::plotTopographicMap(genUmatrixList$Umatrix,genUmatrixList$Bestmatches) ## Automatic Clustering # number of Cluster from dendrogram (PlotIt=TRUE) or visualization Cls=DBSclustering(k=3, Lsun3D$Data, genUmatrixList$Bestmatches, genUmatrixList$LC,PlotIt=FALSE) # Verification, often its better to mark Outliers manually GeneralizedUmatrix::plotTopographicMap(genUmatrixList$Umatrix,genUmatrixList$Bestmatches,Cls) ## Not run: # To generate the 3D landscape in the shape of an island # from the toroidal topograpic map visualization # you may cut your island interactivly around high mountain ranges Imx = ProjectionBasedClustering::interactiveGeneralizedUmatrixIsland(genUmatrixList$Umatrix, genUmatrixList$Bestmatches,Cls) GeneralizedUmatrix::plotTopographicMap(genUmatrixList$Umatrix, genUmatrixList$Bestmatches, Cls=Cls,Imx = Imx) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: library(ProjectionBasedClustering)#install if not installed Cls2=ProjectionBasedClustering::interactiveClustering(genUmatrixList$Umatrix, genUmatrixList$Bestmatches, Cls) ## End(Not run)


For interactive Island Generation of a generalized Umatrix see interactiveGeneralizedUmatrixIsland function in the package ProjectionBasedClustering.

If you want to verifiy your clustering result externally, you can use Heatmap or SilhouettePlot of the CRAN package DataVisualizations.

  • Maintainer: Michael Thrun
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-06-20