Delaunay4Points function

Adjacency matrix of the delaunay graph for BestMatches of Points

Adjacency matrix of the delaunay graph for BestMatches of Points

Calculates the adjacency matrix of the delaunay graph for BestMatches (BMs) in tiled form if BestMatches are located on a toroid grid

Delaunay4Points(Points, IsToroid = TRUE,LC,PlotIt=FALSE,Gabriel=FALSE)


  • Points: [1:n,1:3] matrix containing the BMKey, X and Y coordinates of the n, BestMatches NEED NOT to be UNIQUE, however, there is an edge in the Deaunay between duplicate points!
  • IsToroid: Optional, logical, indicating if BM's are on a toroid grid. Default is True
  • LC: Optional, A vector of length 2, containing the number of lines and columns of the Grid
  • PlotIt: Optional, bool, Plots the graph
  • Gabriel: Optional, bool, default: FALSE, If TRUE: calculates the gabriel graph instead of the delaunay graph


Delaunay[1:n,1:n] adjacency matrix of the Delaunay-Graph


[Thrun, 2018] Thrun, M. C.: Projection Based Clustering through Self-Organization and Swarm Intelligence, doctoral dissertation 2017, Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-658-20539-3, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/978-3-658-20540-9") , 2018.


Michael Thrun

  • Maintainer: Michael Thrun
  • License: GPL-3
  • Last published: 2024-06-20