intern function, do not use yourself
Finds the weak Nash equilibirium for DataBots in one epoch(Radius), requires the setting of constants, grid, and so on in Pswarm
PswarmRadiusSequential( AllDataBotsPosOld, Radius, DataDists, IndPossibleDBPosR, RadiusPositionsschablone, pp, Nullpunkt, Lines, Columns, nBots, limit, steigungsverlaufind, Happiness, debug)
: ComplexVector [1:n,1], DataBots position in the last Nash-EqulibriuumRadius
: double, Radius of payoff function, neighborhood, where other DatsBots can be smelledDataDists
: NumericMatrix, Inputdistances[1:n,1:n]IndPossibleDBPosR
: ComplexVector, see output of findPossiblePositionsCsingle
: NumericMatrix, see AllallowedDBPosR0
in setPolarGrid
: NumericVector, number of jumping simultaneously DataBots of one eppoch (per nash-equilibirum), this vector is linearly monotonically decreasingNullpunkt
: NumericVector, equals which(AllallowedDBPosR0==0,arr.ind=T)
, see see AllallowedDBPosR0
in setPolarGrid
: double, small edge length of rectangulare gridColumns
: double, big edge length of rectangulare gridnBots
: double, intern constant, equals round(pp[Radius]*DBAnzahl)
: int, intern constant, equals ceiling(1/pp[Radius])
: int, intern constantHappiness
: double, intern constant, sum of payoff of all databots in random condition before the algorithm startsdebug
: optional, bool: If TRUE prints status every 100 iterationslist of - AllDataBotsPos: ComplexVector, indizes of DataBot Positions after a weak Nash equlibrium is found
stressverlauf: NumericVector, intern result, for debugging only
fokussiertlaufind: NumericVector, intern result, for debugging only
Algorithm is described in [Thrun, 2018, p. 95, Listing 8.1].
[Thrun, 2018] Thrun, M. C.: Projection Based Clustering through Self-Organization and Swarm Intelligence, doctoral dissertation 2017, Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-658-20539-3, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/978-3-658-20540-9") , 2018.
Michael Thrun