Decompose Demographic Functions
Numeric Approximation of Continuous Decomposition
an abridged lifetable based on M(x)
Caswell's LTRE method of decomposition
get life expectancy at birth from an (abridged)age-cause matrix
get life expectancy at birth from the vec of an age-cause matrix
R0vec Calculates net reproduction, R0, according to a given set of rat...
implementation of the decomposition algorithm of stepwise replacement
Three general demographic decomposition methods: Pseudo-continuous decomposition proposed by Horiuchi, Wilmoth, and Pletcher (2008) <doi:10.1353/dem.0.0033>, stepwise replacement decomposition proposed by Andreev, Shkolnikov and Begun (2002) <doi:10.4054/DemRes.2002.7.14>, and lifetable response experiments proposed by Caswell (1989) <doi:10.1016/0304-3800(89)90019-7>.