Tools for Descriptive Statistics
Coordinates for "bottomright", etc.
Combine Multidimensional Arrays
Display Compact Abstract of a Data Frame
Add a Month to a Date
Raw Simple And Extended Percentage Agreement
Index Vector of All Values Involved in Ties
Test Multiple Objects for Exact Equality
Anderson-Darling Test of Goodness-of-Fit
Append Elements to Objects
Append Rownames to a Data Frame
Convert xtabs To matrix
A Class for Dealing with the Yearmonth Format
Convert ASCII Codes to Characters and Vice Versa
Get Aspect Ratio of the Current Plot
Association Measures
Atkinson Index - A Measure of Inequality.
Area Under the Curve
Place a Break Mark on an Axis
Compute Axis Tickmark Locations (For POSIXct Axis)
Barnard's Unconditional Test
Bartels Rank Test of Randomness
Place Value Labels on a Barplot
Converts Numbers From Binmode, Octmode or Hexmode to Decimal and Vice ...
Benford's Distribution
Operators To Check, If a Value Lies Within Or Outside a Given Range
Background of a Plot
Bhapkar Marginal Homogeneity Test
Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions
Sample Size for a Given Width of a Binomial Confidence Interval
Confidence Interval for a Difference of Binomials
Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Binomial Proportions
Binary Tree
Simple Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
Box Cox Transformation
Automatic Selection of Box Cox Transformation Parameter
Add Text in a Box to a Plot
Breslow-Day Test for Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios
Breusch-Godfrey Test
Brier Score for Assessing Prediction Accuracy
Confidence Intervals for the BrierScore
Add a Legend to a Bubble Plot
Canvas for Geometric Plotting
Transform Cartesian to Polar/Spherical Coordinates and Vice Versa
Function to write a table
Concordance Correlation Coefficient
Calculates Begin and End Angle From a List of Given Angles in Clockwis...
Find the Closest Value
Return the First Element Not Being NA
Cochran-Armitage Test for Trend
Cochran's Q test
Coefficient of Variation
Cohen's Effect Size
Cohen's Kappa and Weighted Kappa
Collapse Levels of a Table
Add a ColorLegend to a Plot
Convert Colors to Grey/Grayscale
Convert a Color or a RGB-color Into Hex String
R Color to HSV Conversion
Color to RGB Conversion
Column Wrap
Get All Pairs Out of One or Two Sets of Elements
Find Complete Columns
Concordant and Discordant Pairs
Confusion Matrix And Associated Statistics
Add Connection Lines to a Barplot
Conover's Test of Multiple Comparisons
Pairwise Contrasts
Unit Conversion and Metrix Prefixes
Covariance and Correlation (Matrices)
Find the Correlations for a Set x of Variables With Set y Removed
Polychoric Correlation
Count Complete Cases
Count Work Days Between Two Dates
Get HWZ Datasets
Cramer's V, Pearson's Contingency Coefficient and Phi CoefficientYule'...
Cramer-von Mises Test for Normality
Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha
Vector Cross Product
n-dimensional Vector Cross Product
C Statistic (Area Under the ROC Curve)
Confidence Intervals for the C Statistic (AUC)
Create a Factor Variable by Cutting an Age Variable
Create a Factor Variable Using the Quantiles of a Continuous Variable
Datasets for Probabilistic Simulation
Basic Date Functions
Convert Degrees to Radians and Vice Versa
Describe Data
Tools for Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
DescTools Options
Calculate Digit Sum
Rao's Diversity Coefficient
Maximal value of Rao's diversity coefficient also called quadratic ent...
Calculate Divisors
Evaluates a Function Groupwise
Fast Alternative To The Internal
Scalar Product
Draw Elliptic Arc(s)
Draw Confidence Band
Draw a Bezier Curve
Draw a Circle
Draw an Ellipse
Draw Regular Polygon(s)
Generate Dummy Codes for a Factor
Dunnett's Test for Comparing Several Treatments With a Control
Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparisons
Durbin-Watson Test
Shannon Entropy and Mutual Information
Greenhouse-Geisser And Huynh-Feldt Epsilons
Add Error Bars to an Existing Plot
Effect Size Calculations for ANOVAs
Expected Value and Variance
Expected Frequencies
Distributions of Maxima and Minima
Prime Factorization of Integers
Retrieve a Function's Arguments
Fibonacci Numbers
Get Color on a Defined Color Range
Determine Highly Correlated Variables
Fisher-Transformation for Correlation to z-Score
Convert a Text to a Table
Format Numbers and Dates
Fractional Part and Maximal Digits of a Numeric Value
The Frechet Distribution
Frequency Table for a Single Variable
Bivariate (Two-Dimensional) Frequency Distribution
Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple
The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
The Generalized Pareto Distribution
Generate Random Groups
Geometric Series
Geometric Transformations
Return All Used Functions Within a Function
Get a Handle to a Running Word/Excel Instance
Create a New Word Instance
Create a New Excel Instance
Gini Coefficient
Gini-Simpson Coefficient, Gini-Deltas coefficient and Hunter-Gaston In...
Geometric Mean and Standard Deviation
The Gompertz distribution
Goodman Kruskal's Gamma
Goodman Kruskal's Tau
G-Test for Count Data
The Gumbel Distribution
Concentration Measures
Identify Closest Match to a Color Given by a Hexadecimal String
Convert a Hexstring Color to a Matrix With Three Red/Green/Blue Rows
Harmonic Mean and Its Confidence Interval
Convert h:m:s To/From Seconds
Hodges-Lehmann Estimator of Location
Matrix of Hoeffding's D Statistics
Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit Tests
Hotelling's T2 Test
Safe (generalized) Huber M-Estimator of Location
Intraclass Correlations (ICC1, ICC2, ICC3 From Shrout and Fleiss)
Identify Points In a Plot Using a Formula
Identify Points in Plot Lying Within a Rectangle or Polygon
Is a Specific Argument in the Dots-Arguments?
The (weighted) Interquartile Range
Check If an Object Is of Type Date
Test If a Variable Contains Only Two Unique Values
Is a Distance Matrix Euclidean?
Checks If An Integer Is Even Or Odd
IsPrime Property
Check Windows Pointer
Check a Vector For Being Numeric, Zero Or a Whole Number
(Robust) Jarque Bera Test
Exact Version of Jonckheere-Terpstra Test
Kappa for m Raters
Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance W
List Keywords For R Manual Pages
Fill in NA values with the values of the nearest neighbours
Krippendorff's Alpha Reliability Coefficient
Label, Unit Attribute of an Object
Goodman Kruskal Lambda
Kth Smallest/Largest Values
Lorenz Curve
Lehmacher's Test for Marginal Homogenity
Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance
Like Operator
Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) Test for Normality
Add a Linear Regression Line
Add a Loess or a Spline Smoother
Convert Line Coordinates To User Coordinates
Linear Scaling
Last Observation Carried Forward
Local Outlier Factor
Generalized Logit and Inverse Logit Function
Started Logarithmic Transformation and Its Inverse
List Objects, Functions Or Data in a Package
Median Absolute Deviation
Confidence Intervals for Median Absolute Deviations
Measures of Accuracy
Set Plot Margins and Distances
Matrix Power
(Weighted) Arithmetic Mean
Mean Absolute Deviation From a Center Point
Confidence Intervals for the Mean
Sample Size for a Given Width of a Confidence Interval for a Mean
Confidence Interval For Difference of Means
Standard Error of Mean
(Weighted) Median Value
Confidence Interval for the Median
Multiple Gsub
Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square Test
Find the Midpoints of a Numeric Vector
Compute the Convex Combination of Two Colors
Mode, Most Frequent Value(s)
Moses Test of Extreme Reactions
Moving Average
Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions
Merge Multiple Data Frames
Some Aliases Set for Convenience
Replace NAs in a Factor by a Given Level
Nemenyi Test
As Numeric Factor
Find Matching (or Non-Matching) Elements
Short Selection of Financial Mathematical Functions
Non Zero Elements
Odds Ratio Estimation and Confidence Intervals
Distributions of Order Statistics
Transform Odds Ratio to Relative Risk
Determines If And How Extensively Two Date Ranges Overlap
Exact Page Test for Ordered Alternatives
Pairwise Calculations
Some Custom Palettes
Parse a Formula and Create a Model Frame
Parse a SAS Dataline Command
Password Dialog
Concatenates Two Strings Without Any Separator
Get PDF Manual of a Package From CRAN
Pearson Chi-Square Test for Normality
Percent Ranks
Percentage Table
Number and Samples for Permutations or Combinations of a Set
Phrasing Results of t-Test
Combined Plot of a Time Series and Its ACF and PACF
Create an Area Plot
Bivariate Boxplot
Draw a Bubble Plot
Plot Candlestick Chart
Cash Flow Plot
Plot Circular Plot
Plot Conditional Densities
Plot a Correlation Matrix
Cleveland's Dot Plots
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
Chernoff Faces
Frequency Distribution Plot
Plot a Function
Plot Lines
Logarithmic Plot
Scatterplot With Marginal Densities
Plot Missing Data
Cycle Plot for Seasonal Effects of an Univariate Time Series
Mosaic Plots
Plot Multiple Density Curves
Extended Scatterplot Matrices
Plot Values on a Circular Grid
Plot Probability Distribution
Draw a Back To Back Pyramid Plot
QQ-Plot for Any Distribution
Ternary or Triangular Plots
Create a Treemap
Plot a Venn Diagram
Plot Violins Instead of Boxplots
Plot a Web of Connected Points
Periodic Payment of an Annuity.
Poisson Confidence Interval
Plot a Grid in Polar Coordinates
Post-Hoc Tests
Power Calculations for ChiSquared Tests
Add Slides, Insert Texts and Plots to PowerPoint
Find All Primes Less Than n
Pseudo R2 Statistics
Point in Polygon
(Weighted) Sample Quantiles
Confidence Interval for Any Quantile
Lagged Quotients
(Robust) Range
Fast Sample Ranks
Read SPSS Datafiles and Return It in Good Old Style Data Frame Structu...
Recode a Factor
Recyle a List of Elements
Relative Risk
Change Names of a Named Object
Reorder the Levels of a Factor
Reverse Elements of a Vector, a Matrix, a Table, an Array or a
Reverse Codes
"Reverse" Gumbel Distribution Functions
The Reverse Weibull Distribution
Equivalent Opaque Color for Transparent Color
Conversion Between RGB and CMYK
Find the Nearest Named R-Color to a Given RGB-Color
Create Pairs of Correlated Random Numbers
Robust Scaling With Median and Mad
Convert Roman Numerals to Integers
Rotate a Geometric Structure
Round to Multiple
How Long Has the RSession Been Running?
Confidence Intervals for the R squared of a Linear Model
Random Numbers Adding Up to 1
Runs Test for Randomness
Random Samples and Permutations
Sample Twins
Saves an R Object Under a Different Name
Scheffe Test for Pairwise and Otherwise Comparisons
(Weighted) Standard Deviation
Send a Mail Using Outlook as Mail Client
Add an Alpha Channel To a Color
Set the Names in an Object
Produce a Shaded Curve
Shapiro-Francia Test for Normality
Siegel-Tukey Test For Equality In Variability
Sign Test
Skewness and Kurtosis
Several Methods of Depreciation of an Asset
Formula Interface For smooth.spline
Return Some Randomly Chosen Elements of an Object
Somers' Delta
Sort a Vector, a Matrix, a Table or a Data.frame
Sort Strings with Embedded Numbers Based on Their Numeric Order
Spearman Rank Correlation
Formula Interface for Split
Split a Vector Into Several Pieces at Given Positions
Split Path In Drive, Path, Filename
Split Data Frame String Column Into Multiple Columns
Split Strings of a Vector and Provide Dummy Codes for Found Pieces
Spread Out a Vector of Numbers To a Minimum Interval
Date/Time/Directory Stamp the Current Plot
Standardized Model Coefficients
Compactly Display the Structure of any R Object
String Abbreviation
String Alignment
Stratified Sampling
Capitalize the First Letter of a String
Split a String into a Number of Sections of Defined Length
Count Words in a String
Compute Distances Between Strings
Extract Part of a String
Remove Attributes from an Object
Does a String Contain Only Numeric Data
Pad a String With Justification
Find Position of First Occurrence Of a String
Reverse a String
Returns the Left Or the Right Part Of a String
Spell a String Using the NATO Phonetic or the Morse Alphabet
Split the Elements of a Character Vector
Remove Leading/Trailing Whitespace From A String
Truncate Strings and Add Ellipses If a String is Truncated.
Extract All Numeric Values From a String
Stuart-Maxwell Marginal Homogeneity Test
System Information
Choose Textcolor Depending on Background Color
Converts String To a Table
Theil's U Index of Inequality
Plot Boxed Annotation
Comparison Table For Linear Models
Create Table One Describing Baseline Characteristics
Reshape a Vector From Long to Wide Shape Or Vice Versa
Send Objects to Word
Send Objects to Word and Bookmark Them
Send a Plot to Word and Bookmark it
The Triangular Distribution
Trim a Vector
Student's t-Test Based on Sample Statistics
Calculate Tukey's Biweight Robust Mean
Describe a Variable by a Factor with Two Levels
Uncertainty Coefficient
Finds many (all) roots of one equation within an interval
Recover Original Data From Contingency Table
Inverse Which
van der Waerden Test
Confidence Intervals for the Variance
ChiSquare Test for One Variance and F Test to Compare Two Variances
Vector Rotation (Shift Elements)
Variance Inflation Factors
Vigenere Cypher
Von Neumann's Successive Difference Test
Winsorize (Replace Extreme Values by Less Extreme Ones)
Execute Function with Temporary Options
Woolf Test For Homogeneity in 2x2xk Tables
Some Functions to Handle MS-Word Bookmarks
Insert Caption to Word
Return the Cell Range Of a Word Table
Get or Set the Font in Word
Format Cells Of a Word Table
Merges Cells Of a Defined Word Table Range
Insert a Page Break
Get or Set the Paragraph Format in Word
Insert Active Plot to Word
Open and Save Word Documents
Get or Set the Style in Word
Insert a Table in a Word Document
Draw Borders to a Word Table
Insert Headings for a Table in Word
Convert Excel Dates to POSIXct
Import Data Directly From Excel
Save Excel File
Use MS-Excel as Viewer for a Data.Frame
Yuen t-Test For Trimmed Means
Replace NAs by 0
Calculate the Zodiac of a Date
Z Test for Known Population Standard Deviation
A collection of miscellaneous basic statistic functions and convenience wrappers for efficiently describing data. The author's intention was to create a toolbox, which facilitates the (notoriously time consuming) first descriptive tasks in data analysis, consisting of calculating descriptive statistics, drawing graphical summaries and reporting the results. The package contains furthermore functions to produce documents using MS Word (or PowerPoint) and functions to import data from Excel. Many of the included functions can be found scattered in other packages and other sources written partly by Titans of R. The reason for collecting them here, was primarily to have them consolidated in ONE instead of dozens of packages (which themselves might depend on other packages which are not needed at all), and to provide a common and consistent interface as far as function and arguments naming, NA handling, recycling rules etc. are concerned. Google style guides were used as naming rules (in absence of convincing alternatives). The 'BigCamelCase' style was consequently applied to functions borrowed from contributed R packages as well.
Useful links