Estimating Controlled Direct Effects for Explaining Causal Findings
Balance diagnostics telescope matching
Balance diagnostics for Telescope Match objects
Coefficient Estimates across Bootstrapped Samples
Bootstrap Uncertainty Estimates for Telescope Matching
Initialize an AIPW CDE estimator
Initialize an AIPW DID-CDE estimator
Initialize an IPW CDE estimator
Initialize an regression imputation CDE estimator
Initialize an telescope matching CDE estimator
Estimate sensitivity of ACDE estimates under varying levels of unobser...
Fit a specified CDE estimator
Specify the outcome regression model for a CDE treatment
Plot output from cdesens
Histograms of matching weights
Objects exported from other packages
Consistent Variance estimator
Perform linear sequential g-estimation to estimate the controlled dire...
Specifiy a treatment variable for a controlled direct effect
Computes standard errors and p-values of DirectEffects estimates
Summary of DirectEffect Bootstrap Estimates
Summarize telescope match objects
Perform telescope matching to estimate the controlled direct effect of...
Specify the propensity score model for a CDE treatment
A set of functions to estimate the controlled direct effect of treatment fixing a potential mediator to a specific value. Implements the sequential g-estimation estimator described in Vansteelandt (2009) <doi:10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181b6f4c9> and Acharya, Blackwell, and Sen (2016) <doi:10.1017/S0003055416000216> and the telescope matching estimator described in Blackwell and Strezhnev (2020) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12759>.
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