Make a table of summary statistics for detection function models
Make a table of summary statistics for detection function models
Provide a summary table of useful information about fitted detection functions. This can be useful when paired with knitr's kable function. By default models are sorted by AIC and will therefore not allow models with different truncations and distance binning.
output: should the output be given in "latex" compatible format or as "plain" text?
delta_only: only output AIC differences (default TRUE)
Note that the column names are in LaTeX format, so if you plan to manipulate the resulting data.frame in R, you may wish to rename the columns for ease of access.
## Not run:# fit some models to the golf tee datalibrary(Distance)data( <- subset($book.tee.dataframe, observer==1)model_hn <- ds(,4)model_hr <- ds(,4, key="hr")summarize_ds_models(model_hr, model_hn, output="plain")## End(Not run)