Package for Environmental Statistics, Including US EPA Guidance
Tolerance Interval for a Lognormal Distribution Based on Censored Data
Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution
Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution Based on Censored Data
Half-Width of a Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distribution
Compute the Value of for a Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distrib...
Sample Size for a Specified Half-Width of a Tolerance Interval for a N...
Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for a Continuous Distribution
Confidence Level for Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for Continuous D...
Coverage for Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for Continuous Distribut...
Sample Size for Nonparametric Tolerance Interval for Continuous Distri...
Tolerance Interval for a Poisson Distribution
The Triangular Distribution
Type I Error Level for a One- or Two-Sample t-Test
Sample Size for a One- or Two-Sample t-Test, Assuming Lognormal Data
Power of a One- or Two-Sample t-Test Assuming Lognormal Data
Minimal or Maximal Detectable Ratio of Means for One- or Two-Sample t-...
Sample Size for a One- or Two-Sample t-Test
Power of a One- or Two-Sample t-Test
Scaled Minimal Detectable Difference for One- or Two-Sample t-Test
Show the EnvStats NEWS File
Mixture of Two Normal Distributions
Estimate Parameters of a Lognormal Distribution (Log-Scale)
Estimate Parameters of a Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution (Log-S...
Estimate Parameters of a Lognormal Distribution (Original Scale)
Estimate Parameters for a Lognormal Distribution (Original Scale) Base...
Estimate Parameters for a Lognormal Distribution (Log-Scale) Based on ...
Estimate Parameters of a Logistic Distribution
The Empirical Distribution Based on a Set of Observations
Estimate Probability Parameter of a Negative Binomial Distribution
Estimate Parameters of a Normal (Gaussian) Distribution
Estimate Parameters for a Normal Distribution Based on Type I Censored...
Estimate Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error Nonparametricall...
Estimate Mean, Standard Deviation, and Standard Error Nonparametricall...
Atmospheric Environmental Conditions in New York City
Internal EnvStats Objects
Estimate Parameters of a Pareto Distribution
Plot Empirical Probability Density Function
Estimate Parameter of a Poisson Distribution
Estimate Mean of a Poisson Distribution Based on Type I Censored Data
Estimate Quantiles of a Beta Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Binomial Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of an Extreme Value (Gumbel) Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of an Exponential Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Gamma Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Geometric Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Hypergeometric Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Lognormal Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Lognormal Distribution Based on Type I Censore...
Estimate Quantiles of a Logistic Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Negative Binomial Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Normal Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Normal Distribution Based on Type I Censored D...
Estimate Quantiles of a Distribution Nonparametrically
Estimate Quantiles of a Pareto Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Poisson Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Uniform Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Weibull Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution
Estimate Quantiles of a Zero-Modified Normal Distribution
Plot Pointwise Error Bars
S3 Class "estimate"
S3 Class "estimateCensored"
Euler's Constant
Estimate Parameters of a Uniform Distribution
The Extreme Value (Gumbel) Distribution
Expected Value of Order Statistics for Random Sample from Standard Nor...
Estimate Parameters of a Weibull Distribution
Estimate Parameters of a Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution
Estimate Parameters of a Zero-Modified Normal Distribution
EnvStats Functions Listed by Category
EnvStats Functions for Calibration
EnvStats Functions for Censored Data
EnvStats Functions for Data Transformations
EnvStats Functions for Estimating Distribution Parameters
EnvStats Functions for Estimating Distribution Quantiles
The Truncated Normal Distribution
Fisher's One-Sample Randomization (Permutation) Test for Location
The Pareto Distribution
Plot Probability Density Function
S3 Class "permutationTest"
Plot Results of Box-Cox Transformations
Plot Results of Box-Cox Transformations Based on Type I Censored Data
Plot Results of Box-Cox Transformations for a Linear Model
Plot Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test
Plot Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test Based on Censored Data
Plot Results of Group Goodness-of-Fit Test
Plot Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test to Compare Two Samples
Plot Results of Permutation Test
Create Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a One-Way Fixed-Effects An...
Plots for Sampling Design Based on Confidence Interval for Binomial Pr...
Plots for Sampling Design Based on Confidence Interval for Mean of a N...
Plots for Sampling Design Based on Nonparametric Confidence Interval f...
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a t-Test for Linear Trend
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Simultaneous Predic...
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Prediction Interval...
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Prediction Interval for the Nex...
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Simultaneous Predic...
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Prediction Interval...
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Nonparametric Prediction Interv...
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Simultaneous Nonparametric Pred...
Power Curves for Sampling Design for Test Based on Nonparametric Simul...
Plots for Sampling Design Based on One- or Two-Sample Proportion Test
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Tolerance Interval for a Normal...
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a Nonparametric Tolerance Interva...
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a One- or Two-Sample t-Test
Plots for a Sampling Design Based on a One- or Two-Sample t-Test, Assu...
Pointwise Confidence Limits for Predictions
Plotting Positions for Type I Censored Data
Predict Method for Linear Model Fits
Model Predictions
Prediction Interval for Gamma Distribution
Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Gamma Distribution
Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution
Probability That at Least One Set of Future Observations Violates the ...
Probability That at Least One Future Observation Falls Outside a Predi...
Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution
Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution
Half-Width of a Prediction Interval for the next Observations from...
Compute the Value of for a Prediction Interval for a Normal Distri...
Sample Size for a Specified Half-Width of a Prediction Interval for th...
Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Normal Distribution
Compute the Value of for a Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a ...
Probability That at Least One Set of Future Observations Violates the ...
Probability That at Least One Future Observation Falls Outside a Predi...
Nonparametric Prediction Interval for a Continuous Distribution
Confidence Level for Nonparametric Prediction Interval for Continuous ...
Sample Size for a Nonparametric Prediction Interval for a Continuous D...
Nonparametric Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Continuous Distri...
Confidence Level of Simultaneous Nonparametric Prediction Interval for...
Sample Size for Simultaneous Nonparametric Prediction Interval for Con...
Probability That at Least One Set of Future Observations Violates the ...
Prediction Interval for a Poisson Distribution
Print Output of Objective for Box-Cox Power Transformations
Print Output of Objective for Box-Cox Power Transformations Based on T...
Print Output of Objective for Box-Cox Power Transformations for an "lm...
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Two-Sample Linear Rank Test to Detect a Difference Between Two Distrib...
Two-Sample Linear Rank Test to Detect a Difference Between Two Distrib...
Two-Sample or Paired-Sample Randomization (Permutation) Test for Locat...
Develop Gestalt of Q-Q Plots for Specific Distributions
Two-Sample Rank Test to Detect a Shift in a Proportion of the "Treated...
Compute p-Value for the Quantile Test
Rosner's Test for Outliers
Test for the Presence of Serial Correlation
One-Sample or Paired-Sample Sign Test on a Median
Simulate a Multivariate Matrix Based on a Specified Rank Correlation M...
Simulate a Vector of Random Numbers From a Specified Theoretical or Em...
Coefficient of Skewness
Add Text Indicating the Mean and Standard Deviation to a ggplot2 Plot
Add Text Indicating the Median and Interquartile Range to a ggplot2 Pl...
Add Text Indicating the Sample Size to a ggplot2 Plot
Add Text to a ggplot2 Plot Indicating the Results of a Hypothesis Test
1-D Scatter Plots with Confidence Intervals
Full Complement of Summary Statistics
Randomization (Permutation) Test to Compare Two Proportions (Fisher's ...
Test for Homogeneity of Variance Among Two or More Groups
One-Sample Chi-Squared Test on Variance
The Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution
The Zero-Modified Lognormal (Delta) Distribution (Alternative Paramete...
The Zero-Modified Normal Distribution
Test Whether the Shape Parameter of a Generalized Extreme Value Distri...
EnvStats Functions for Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Compute Lack-of-Fit and Pure Error Anova Table for a Linear Model
Compute Sample Size Necessary to Achieve Specified Power for One-Way F...
Compute the Power of a One-Way Fixed-Effects Analysis of Variance
Base Representation of a Number
S3 Class "boxcox"
Boxcox Power Transformation
S3 Class "boxcoxCensored"
Boxcox Power Transformation for Type I Censored Data
S3 Class "boxcoxLm"
Apply a Box-Cox Power Transformation to a Set of Data
Goodness-of-Fit Test for Normal or Lognormal Distribution Based on Cen...
S3 Class "calibrate"
Fit a Calibration Line or Curve
Abstract: Castillo and Hadi (1994)
Plot Two Cumulative Distribution Functions
Plot Two Cumulative Distribution Functions Based on Censored Data
Plot Cumulative Distribution Function
Chen's Modified One-Sided t-test for Skewed Distributions
The Chi Distribution
Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Binomial Proportion or Differenc...
Sample Size for Specified Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Binomi...
Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Normal Distribution Mean or Diff...
Sample Size for Specified Half-Width of Confidence Interval for Normal...
Compute Confidence Level Associated with a Nonparametric Confidence In...
The Truncated Lognormal Distribution
Sample Size for Nonparametric Confidence Interval for a Quantile
Table of Confidence Intervals for Mean or Difference Between Two Means
Table of Confidence Intervals for Proportion or Difference Between Two...
Sample Coefficient of Variation.
Determine Detection Limit
S3 Class "distChoose"
Choose Best Fitting Distribution Based on Goodness-of-Fit Tests
S3 Class "distChooseCensored"
Choose Best Fitting Distribution Based on Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Ce...
Estimate Parameters of a Beta Distribution
Estimate Parameter of a Binomial Distribution
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Plot
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Plot Based on Type I Censor...
Estimate Parameters of an Extreme Value (Gumbel) Distribution
Estimate Rate Parameter of an Exponential Distribution
Estimate Parameters of Gamma Distribution
Estimate Mean and Coefficient of Variation for a Gamma Distribution Ba...
Estimate Shape and Scale Parameters for a Gamma Distribution Based on ...
Estimate Probability Parameter of a Geometric Distribution
Estimate Parameters of a Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
Estimate Parameter of a Hypergeometric Distribution
EnvStats Functions for Hypothesis Tests
EnvStats Functions for Monte Carlo Simulation and Risk Assessment
EnvStats Functions for Plotting Probability Distributions
EnvStats Functions for Creating Plots Using the ggplot2 Package
EnvStats Functions for Power and Sample Size Calculations
EnvStats Functions for Prediction Intervals
EnvStats Functions for Printing and Plotting Objects of Various S3 Cla...
The Truncated Lognormal Distribution (Alternative Parameterization)
Convert a Long Format Data Set into a Wide Format
EnvStats Probability Distributions and Random Numbers
EnvStats Functions for Summary Statistics and Plots
EnvStats Functions for Tolerance Intervals
EnvStats Functions for Trend Analysis
The Gamma Distribution (Alternative Parameterization)
1-D Scatter Plots with Confidence Intervals Using ggplot2
Geometric Mean
Geometric Standard Deviation.
The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
S3 Class "gof"
S3 Class "gofCensored"
S3 Class "gofGroup"
Goodness-of-Fit Test for a Specified Probability Distribution for Grou...
S3 Class "gofOutlier"
Goodness-of-Fit Test
S3 Class "gofTwoSample"
Generalized Pivotal Quantity for Confidence Interval for the Mean of a...
Generalized Pivotal Quantity for Tolerance Interval for a Normal Distr...
Abstract: Hosking et al. (1985)
S3 Class "htest"
S3 Class "htestCensored"
Predict Concentration Using Calibration
Interquartile Range
Nonparametric Test for Monotonic Trend Within Each Season Based on Ken...
Kendall's Nonparametric Test for Montonic Trend
Coefficient of (Excess) Kurtosis
Sample Size for a t-Test for Linear Trend
Power of a t-Test for Linear Trend
Scaled Minimal Detectable Slope for a t-Test for Linear Trend
Estimate -Moments
The Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution
The Lognormal Distribution (Alternative Parameterization)
Mixture of Two Lognormal Distributions
Mixture of Two Lognormal Distributions (Alternative Parameterization)
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Print Objects of Class "estimate"
Print Objects of Class "estimateCensored"
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests
S3 Class "summaryStats"
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Censored Data
Print Output of Group Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Print Output of Goodness-of-Fit Outlier Tests
Print Output of Two-Sample Goodness-of-Fit Tests
Summary Statistics
Tolerance Interval for a Gamma Distribution
Tolerance Interval for a Lognormal Distribution
Print Output of Hypothesis Tests Based on Censored Data
Print Output of Hypothesis Tests
Print Output of Permutation Tests
Print Summary Statistics
Minimal Detectable Difference Associated with a One- or Two-Sample Pro...
Compute Sample Size Necessary to Achieve a Specified Power for a One- ...
Compute the Power of a One- or Two-Sample Proportion Test
Estimate Probability-Weighted Moments
Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) Plot
Quantile-Quantile (Q-Q) Plot for Type I Censored Data
Graphical and statistical analyses of environmental data, with focus on analyzing chemical concentrations and physical parameters, usually in the context of mandated environmental monitoring. Major environmental statistical methods found in the literature and regulatory guidance documents, with extensive help that explains what these methods do, how to use them, and where to find them in the literature. Numerous built-in data sets from regulatory guidance documents and environmental statistics literature. Includes scripts reproducing analyses presented in the book "EnvStats: An R Package for Environmental Statistics" (Millard, 2013, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-8455-4, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-8456-1>).