Statistical Analysis in Epidemiology
The Aalen-Johansen estimator of state probabilities from a multistate ...
Add covariates (typically clinical measurements) taken at known times ...
Expand a Lexis object with information of drug exposure based on purch...
Fit an Age-Period-Cohort model to tabular data.
Produce an empty frame for display of parameter-estimates from Age-Per...
Fit Age-Period-Cohort models and Lee-Carter models with effects modele...
Create a bootstrap sample of persons (as identified by
) from ...
Draw boxes and arrows for illustration of multistate models.
Functions to convert character, factor and various date objects into a...
Generate a nested case-control study
Compute cumulative risks and expected sojourn times from models for ca...
Compute cumulative sum of estimates.
Linear predictor (eta
) from a formula, coefficients, vcov and a pred...
Compute linear functions of parameters with standard errors and confid...
Compute confidence limits for a difference of two independent proporti...
Conditional logistic regression
Contrast matrices
Fit a competing risks regression model (Fine-Gray model) using a Lexis...
Cut follow-up at a specified date for each person.
Projection of a model matrix on the orthogonal complement of a trend o...
Function to calculate effects for individually matched case-control st...
Function to calculate effects
Epi: Functions for manipulation and statistical analysis of epidemiolo...
Compute survival functions from rates and expected residual lifetime i...
Function to expand data for regression analysis of interval censored d...
Fit an additive excess risk model to interval censored data.
Fit a piecewise contsnt intesity model for interval censored data.
Fits a multiplicative relative risk model to interval censored data.
Calculate floated variances
Create a data structures suitable for use with packages mstate
or `e...
Fit a floating trend to a factor in generalized linear model
Generate covariates for drug-exposure follow-up from drug purchase rec...
Create a basis of harmonic functions.
Fits a regression model to interval censored data.
Is x
in the column span of matrix A
and what columns are linearly ...
Fit Lee-Carter-type models for rates to arbitrarily shaped observation...
Draw a box with text explaining the numbers in and between boxes from ...
Plot a Lexis diagram
Draw life lines in a Lexis diagram.
Create a Lexis object of follow-up
Convert a Lexis obejct to a data set suitable for input to the `msm:ms...
Convenience versions of grep
Compute dates/ages for life lines in a Lexis diagram
Plot APC-estimates in an APC-frame.
Functions to manage and explore the workspace
Plot columns of a matrix as stacked areas.
Plot confidence intervals as shaded areas around lines.
Cut follow-up at multiple event dates and keep track of order of event...
Merge a Lexis object with a data frame
Mantel-Haenszel analyses of cohort and case-control studies
Fit intensity models to follow-up data in Lexis objects
Create risk time ("Person-Years") in Lexis triangles from population c...
Set up an array of NAs, solely from the list of dimnames
Function to group a variable in intervals.
Nice breakpoints for axes on plots
Natural splines - (cubic splines linear beyond outermost knots) with c...
Plot period and cohort effects in an APC-frame.
Create percentages in a table
Plot the estimates from a fitted Age-Period-Cohort model
Lexis diagrams
Plotting Aalen-Johansen curves for competing events
Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)
Plot Equivalence Classes
Family Object for Poisson Regression
Projection of columns of a matrix.
Functions to plot rates from a table classified by age and calendar ti...
Combining a Lexis objects with data frames or other Lexis objects
A function to cut follow-up at intermediate event times.
Reorder and combine levels of a factor
Remove transitions from a Lexis object.
Function to compute and draw ROC-curves.
Simulate a Lexis object representing follow-up in a multistate model.
Split follow-up time in a Lexis object
Functions to facilitate analysis of multistate models.
Time series and other methods for Lexis objects
Special functions for use in stat.table
Tables of summary statistics
Subsetting Lexis (and stacked.Lexis) objects
Summarize transitions and risk time from a Lexis object
A wrapper for termplot
that optionally (but by default) exponentiate...
Extract time band data from a split Lexis object
The time scales of a Lexis object
Transform a Lexis (or stacked.Lexis) object
Analysis of a two by two table
Remove Lexis attributes from a Lexis
Functions for demographic and epidemiological analysis in the Lexis diagram, i.e. register and cohort follow-up data. In particular representation, manipulation, rate estimation and simulation for multistate data - the Lexis suite of functions, which includes interfaces to 'mstate', 'etm' and 'cmprsk' packages. Contains functions for Age-Period-Cohort and Lee-Carter modeling and a function for interval censored data and some useful functions for tabulation and plotting, as well as a number of epidemiological data sets.