Extending the Range of Functions for Probability Distributions
Finding the best distribution for a (weighted) sample.
The Standard Beta Distribution.
The four-parameter beta distribution.
The Burr Distribution.
Compare a sample to one or more fitted distributions
Distribution Selection Criteria.
S3 methods for manipulating eDist objects.
Parameter Estimation Evaluation.
The Exponential Distribution.
Extended Probability Distribution Functions
The Gamma Distribution.
The Gumbel distribution
The Johnson SB distribution.
The Johnson SU distribution.
The Laplace Distribution.
The Logistic Distribution.
The Normal Distribution.
The symmetric truncated normal distribution.
The truncated normal distribution.
The symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SRTB) distribution.
The standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta (SSRTB) distribution.
The Triangular Distribution.
The Uniform Distribution.
The Weibull Distribution.
Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
A consistent, unified and extensible framework for estimation of parameters for probability distributions, including parameter estimation procedures that allow for weighted samples; the current set of distributions included are: the standard beta, The four-parameter beta, Burr, gamma, Gumbel, Johnson SB and SU, Laplace, logistic, normal, symmetric truncated normal, truncated normal, symmetric-reflected truncated beta, standard symmetric-reflected truncated beta, triangular, uniform, and Weibull distributions; decision criteria and selections based on these decision criteria.